
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Project 365 - Week Four

Back for another week of Project 365.  I've been doing this for almost a month now :)  

January 22 (top left) - A very cool story.  When we were in Mexico City two summers ago with our High School Students on our Missions' Trip, one of the ladies we worked with came to show us some old Mexican money. Because of the many battles and revolutions through Mexico, people would hide money in boxes within their concrete walls.  This was one such box, and it contained many coins.  Many of them are decomissioned and she very kindly gave the team the box.  The Project 365 Theme from a week ago was "Antiquity" so I thought of these old coins.  I took them all out to find a little envelope hidden in the bottom of the box with old Mexican paper currency too.  Such a surprise.  This bill is from the 1914 I believe!

January 23 (left middle) - Our oldest son had a small surgery on Monday to remove a cyst from his ear line, by a plastic surgeon.  It really hurt him for a few days :(  I love the shadow in the picture and his sad little face!

January 24 - (Middle) - Our room.  I was spending a lot of time in that bed for a few days battling my second round of the stomach flu.  Blech.

January 25 - (bottom left) - A Park Bench at the elementary school.  That morning it had snowed and then warmed up beautifully to be above freezing, so the snow melted.  I captured the melting snow and the sunshine on the bench.  

January 26 - (top right) - Our Church Sanctuary.  I love this beautiful haven of faith, worship, hope and healing.  This was a day in the mid-week when no one was there and I could just snap a few pics of the quiet.  

January 27 - (middle right) - Dutch Blitz!  Woo Hoo, one of my favourite card games.  It was Games Night for our JH/HS girls ministry and this was one we played.  

January 28 - (bottom right) - Our sweet little one, on the couch and sick with a fever.  Armed with his favourite blankets and stuffed animals, Snippy and Sock Monkey.  Hope he's better quickly!

1 comment:

  1. Love the story about the Mexican currency and the pic of our sick son with his stuffies is adorable. It will break my heart when my son stops sleeping with his. Great sanctuary shot too :)


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