
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dreamy Reader

Today our beautiful daughter turns fifteen.  Oh my word, where are the years going!  Here are a few goofy pictures from my Hipstamatic app on my phone.

She is at such a great age.  I really am enjoying this time with her.  She's becoming more independent and really growing up, and yet still wants a relationship with us (for which I am so grateful!).  She's easy to talk to and spend time with, she's fun and so very bright, thoughtful and faith-filled.  She'll text me randomly just to chat when she's away from me - which I love.  She's a good big sister, a great friend and turning into this beautiful young lady.   Tonight her small group leader from Youth Group is taking her and her two best friends out for supper.  Very fun :) 

Last week my dear friend Julie Koerber was chosen as the Featured Stamper over at Splitcoaststampers and I couldn't let that go by without casing her - so her card was the inspiration for our daughter's Birthday card.  Ever since our daughter was tiny (and I do mean tiny) she has had a love for books and reading.  As a baby she would intently page through board books, and she was a very early reader at 4 years old, and honestly outside of reading to her - she really figured it all out on her own!  She still LOVES to read, so this image from Flourishes Sweet Days of Summer reminds me so much of our girl.  

Here is the link to the beautiful card of Julie's that I cased.  I've used some beautiful new My Mind's Eye paper called Vanity Fair, and sanded the Labels Eight layer like Julie loves to do.  It really adds a neat effect on Designer paper to have the core white show through.  The butterflies are also a part of one of the DP pages, so I just trimmed them out, and popped them up.  The pinks actually do have a much closer match in real life.  

And here is the inside of the card.  

So Happy Birthday my first-born love!  We are beyond blessed that you are ours!  


  1. Beautiful card! Please send my birthday greetings to your daughter!! My daughter's birthday is also today and she happens to be our oldest as well. However birthday greetings are sent to her via email since she and her partner are in Laos right now. They have been teaching abroad and now traveling since February and I miss her!
    Beth Greco

  2. Looks like the perfect card for her, so sweet, she sounds alot like my daughter :) Enjoy these years with her, before you know it she will be off to college and getting married

  3. congratulations on your daughters birthday christine.
    and your card is lovely.

    greetings karin

  4. Samudrika pattu Marvelous sarees cool designs and print in work of saree i love all
    by Revathi

  5. Well happy birthday to your daughter! Gorgeous card!!

  6. Lovely card - and what a great daughter/family you have. Praise God for the wonderful relationship you have with her.

  7. Oh, Christine, she's a beautiful girl and I can see in her eyes and that lovely smile how her beauty goes all the way through to her heart. Your children are all beautiful and you're a lucky mom. Such a pretty card you made to celebrate the occasion!

  8. Happy belated birthday to your sweet girl! She sounds like a mini-you! :-) Your case card is just STUNNING!

  9. really awesome.priyanka looks beautiful.... by revathi


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!