
Thursday, September 1, 2011


Just a Mama post today :)  I'll be back with something creative tomorrow :)

I realize though that more and more, I need a place to just say what's on my heart about life, to share a little of myself with you.  So, hopefully that's alright with you.

First day of school here, I always feel like September begins a year rather than January.  Perhaps because of having kids - or the fact that we are Youth Pastors and our events always kick off in September.  This year is a big transition for us, with three kids in three different schools.  Our eldest, our daughter started High School today, she's the trail blazer - off to a school with at least 2100 kids, with as many kids in her grade 10 class as she had in her Junior High.  She'll have to navigate her way through a very large school and find her fit in a International Baccalaureate program.  I'm not always a big fan of IB in the level of work that is required of students - however God has given this girl some beautiful brains and we're seeing if it's a good fit and challenge for her, without being too much.

Best news for her this year, she's going to school with one-twin of her twin best friends, with lockers beside each other, and one of her best friends from Junior High.  I think that will really anchor her well.  And she is taking symphonic band with an amazing conductor, so she'll be able to play everyday.  And she can't wait for that.   She's growing so much, she's got new contacts, a pretty hair cut, and the braces come off in about 3 weeks.  Just look at those cheekbones!  I can't believe how my little girl has become this young woman.  I watch her changing in many many good ways and realize that the time is short, and she's beginning her journey to use her wings of independence and start those little trips out of the nest, ones that will teach her to fly on her own.    

Then comes the middle...our older son is starting Junior High today.  I think of all the transitions, JH is one of the biggest, and sometimes the hardest.  He's definitely got some nerves for the changes this year and we're trying to equip him the best we can for all that's coming.  He's such a great kid.  I'm excited to see him find his place at the JH.  He wants to try out for some school sports teams, and he's really athletic - so we'll see how that goes.  He has 6 kids from his elementary in his class, and two teachers our daughter absolutely not so much - so we're hoping for a better result this year for him. 

Great things for him will be starting up in youth group officially with us and his friends, and having a little more independence to spread his wings.  He's got a bit of an advantage because his sister went to the JH he's going to - but he's still hoping he doesn't get lost :)   I'm really praying that God infuses him with strength and confidence in new ways this year as he grows.  

And then there's the little one....just not so little anymore.  My baby is already in grade 3.  

Isn't he cute?   He lost another tooth last night.  He was so excited for school, he couldn't stop wiggling it till finally at 10:00 pm he couldn't stand it anymore, got up out of bed, and asked us to pull it out!  He is blessed to have the same teacher he had last year and many of his friends, including his best friend in his class.  That will be such a good thing for him.  Of the kids he is the most extroverted, most "social-I-get-energy-from-people" and he thrives with the busyness and activity of school.  This is the first year he's on his own with no brother or sister around in school with him.  And actually I think he'll do great.  

My three amigos.  The house is quiet (so quiet!), and I have some freedom to get some work done from home now, which is good, since I need to work!  And I'll have a little more space to create.  My husband and I have our day off again all to ourselves (which I'm so looking forward to!)...but I'll miss my kids too.  I began praying through Stormie Omartian's book "The Power of Praying Parent" again today.  Such a good investment in your kids when you are entrusting them each day to God.  I really recommend it.  

Thanks for letting me share my Mama moments with you.  I know that many of you sent kids or even have grandkids heading to school today.  Hope all is well with your soul...and it begins a really great significant year ahead.  


  1. Your children are beautiful! What blessings children are, they do grow up way too fast though don't they. It's so weird when they are back off for school, the house is just way too quiet for me and as much as I want a little me time, I want them back home, lol. Have a great day. :)

  2. They are SO beautiful Christine! I am sure they will all flourish!!! Thanks for sharing and happy free time for you!!!

  3. September is always a reminder to me about how quickly your kids grow up. My eldest goes to high school this year (eighth grade is HS here) and she is petrified and worried sick the poor thing. An intellectual introvert who hates change...doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why she is stressed.

    We went and got her locker yesterday and went back again to day to walk through her first semester class rotation so she knows where she is going. She too will have 2100 kids in her HS (was built for 1500 so waaaay over crowded!) Know she'll be okay after the first few weeks, but getting her there without her worrying herself sick is my job for the next few days - needless to say, LOTS of prayer too! LOVE Stormie Omartin's book - thanks for the reminder to pull it out again :)

    You have a great looking kids and thanks for sharing about them and your feelings. Best part of blogs in my mind is getting to know the person behind the cards. Blessings to you as you launch a new year with the youth too.

  4. Beautiful children, I will lift them up in prayer....Hugs to all of you as the new school year starts.

  5. What a lovely post, Christine!! My kids don't go back to school until next Wednesday (the 7th). I'm not ready for summer to "be over" yet--neither are they! But go they must. It will be nice to get back into a routine. Wishing you and your lovely children all the best for this school year! (I usually think of Sept. of being the "start" of the year, too!)

  6. Thanks for sharing Christine, as the teacher we never hear stories like this from parents. We know that you miss them and are entrusting us with their care as well. I always tell my parents at Back to School Night that I am not married nor do I have children and thank you for loaning me your children for the next 9 months and I will care for them just as you would. Your children are beautiful and thanks for a look into your life.

    On another note I am so sad that you are not on the TSG team. I will miss your work so much. I look forward to still seeing your gorgeous cards.

    Take care.

  7. Thanks for sharing, Christine! You have been blessed with a beautiful family and they are blessed with a caring loving mom!

  8. I totally know what you mean - mine are both in HS - Jr and sophmore - neither will let me take pictures of them that DD is driving I hardly see them. Both are on swim team (practice at 0430 am) and both are in JROTC which is usually a couple hours after school 3 to 5 days a week and often activities on the weekend and both are also IB about busy but them seem to thrive on it all.

  9. beautiful kids! my 3 started the exact same grades this year - 9th, 6th and 3rd!!! how funny!

  10. To begin with, this is a wonderful documentation of what's going on at this stage of your children's lives, and you'll enjoy looking back on posts like this as well as sharing them with the children. Additionally, it warms my heart to hear your mama's voice and see those beautiful faces. Most of all, I see goodness in those beautiful faces, and I'll carry that with me through the day. So nice to read this post, Christine.

  11. Your children are beautiful! Thank you for sharing this! (I'm sending my three amigos off to school for their 1st day today.)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!