
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Viva La...Fun Day Two

Hey there gang I'm back with another couple of cards with some of the Viva La Verve sketches this month.

Here is Sketch Number Three

This card was for our middle son's friend's Birthday (that's a mouthful).  She's a lot of fun and I thought this would be perfect for her....

As with the other two cards, I used the Memory Box Jubilee papers paired with the fun sketch to create the card.  The set is Chicks Rule, which was perfect for the occasion.

Though there is a lot of color in this card, but you can see that I went with more of a tone on tone look.  Chickie is colored up with Copics and I've used different Nestabilities to create the scallops and framing. (Rectangles Nestabilities, Fair Isle Border Petites and Eyelet Circles).

Here's the little gift card holder that goes along with it.  Super simple, but cuter than trying to wrap something, or just stick it in the card.  It's 8 1/2 x 6 1/2 ish?  Scored at 3 inches and 6 inches.

And now the last sketch

This will go to a Teacher that is leaving our school to be a Principal of another school.  She means a great deal to us.  

When our daughter was in Grade 5 she had this teacher, it was the same year that my husband was diagnosed with Cancer.  The one thing that I knew would be challenging is how our kids would handle all of this, and it was really hard on each of them in different ways.  My daughter in particular didn't want to tell anyone in class about her Daddy having Cancer or treatment.  But I knew she needed a safe place at school when things got difficult for her.  So we and her teacher worked up a secret system by which our daughter would just have to give a signal if she wasn't doing alright and could go out of the classroom, and this teacher was always available to talk if our daughter needed it.  It meant the world to her and to us, she really was a safe place for our kids.  Last year this teacher took over as Principal of our school when our Principal was being treated for Breast Cancer, and now she is taking on her own school.  We will miss her VERY much.  

Ok...the card...just following a fun sketch :)  The duck is colored with copics and I gave her a greeny glow to link better to the papers, I did some piercing and accenting with copic colored rhinestones, and a double bow in this sheer dotted ribbon in two colors.  

OK Dokey everyone...I've completed some FUN and all the Viva La Verve sketches...and have all my Teachers's Gifts DONE, given and the school year is over!  Bring on the summer!


  1. two beautiful and colorful cards christine, love the text on the cards too.

    greetings karin

  2. Wonderful, bright, cheery cards :) Love the story about the teacher and how she helped the kids out during a difficult time. Blessings to her and I'm sure she will appreciate the card and your feelings behind it!

    The Grade 2 teachers (team teachers) my kids both had are retiring this year and I will miss them dearly - two amazing and special ladies.

  3. You have been busy fun and have made three adorable creations!!

    This teacher sounds like an incredible lady!

  4. What fabulous cards, Christine...the colors and papers are all gorgeous and how cute is that little chick!!!!! What a great idea to make the gift card holder to go along with the's just darling!!! The teacher sounds amazing!!!

  5. very cute ducks, like your ribbon treatment on both cards and such a neat presentation for the gift card!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!