
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ride to Conquer Cancer Blog Candy Winners!

**if you're looking for my TSG New Release Post ....just scroll down a little :) **

First off I just need to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you gave and wrote about on the blog about the Ride to Conquer Cancer this weekend for my husband, and even about my hair cut :) .  It was such a blessing to read your stories, hear the comments you left my husband, and to see your generosity for his fundraising.  He reached his personal goal of $3000!  Thank you SO MUCH everyone.  Terry and I felt really touched, I may never meet some of you in person, but I send you a great big hug right now.  

Just this past weekend I heard of two people who are now fighting cancer.  They will not be easy fights, and my heart goes out to them and we are praying for them.  It's my prayer that the money from this ride continues to provide what researchers need to find cures and treatment for the many forms of cancer.  

Alrighty...on to the fun I put all the names in a hat and my beloved drew the winners...

Here are the winners:  

Prize One:  Beth Miller

Prize Two:  Emily Keaton

Prize Three:  Darlene

You have 48 hours to contact me by email to send me your snail mail address or I'll draw new names... that being said we are in a mail strike in Canada - so you prizes WILL be delayed in mailing.  I'll keep you posted when I've been able to send them.

BUT!  I want to send a card to any of you who donated to Terry's ride as a small thank please send me your addresses if you donated and I'll get that out to you as soon as I can!

Thank you again for your kindness and making a difference!


  1. Hi Christine,
    I am so excited I am one of the winners!!! Thank you so much for that and thank you for all you and your husband are doing for cancer. I don't know your email address so I am sending you mine. When you send me yours I will send you my address. Thanks.
    Darlene Groseclose

  2. Hi Again,
    See, I'm so excited I forgot to send my address. lol

  3. Yeah!! So glad he met his goal. Gotta love stampers hearts :)

  4. Oh, how very exciting!! Thanks so much for the great news--and for all the heart your family has put into finding a cure for cancer. I just emailed you my info. Thanks for making my day!

  5. OH MY GOSH, I'm so very excited to be a winner! I just sent my address to you.
    Everyone has probably been affected by this horrible disease in one way or another, whether it be a friend, a family member or themselves. What you and your husband are doing to help fight this disease is admirable.
    Thanks so much!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!