
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Garden Fresh Sweet Peas

Welcome to the last day of Flourishes New Releases gang!  Today's sneak peek is such a fantastic set, and I'm using it in a very sweet way.  I have a lot to show you today so keep reading!

Our Assistant at work is going to deliver twins in the next two months or so :)  We are so very delighted for them and can't wait till these little ones arrive.  And I am ahead of the game for once on the gift!

Guess what I did?  Watercolored!  I haven't done it for so long...I was worried I'd forget what to do.  :)  

I stayed with a circle theme throughout kind-of going with the round peas idea.  So I used my Grand Calibur machine from Spellbinders and cut out the card with the Grand Scalloped Circles and Grand Circles and then the smaller main image on Flourishes Watercolor paper is cut with the Lacey Circles die.   The papers are again an older pack of Webster's Pages, and the accents are Crochet Ribbon and Basic Grey Buttons and Webster's Sparklers, and then that gorgeous big bow is with the ribbon in the Venice Kit.  It's just stunning ribbon!

Now what you also may notice is that it says Sweet Peas...the actual stamp says Sweet Pea....and knowing that it's twins I took my Copic Multiliner and trying to match up to Marcy's pretty script as best as possible  - added the S in there.  You might notice that the little peas are a blue green....guess what they're having?  

Now I'll show you what I am pairing with the card....something Flourishes is making available with this set too - really great digital downloads of recipe cards and labels....see how I've used it...

Something we used when our kids were babies that was practical...and saved money was our own recipe for Baby Wipes.  Someone had given it to us and we keep passing it along.  So since you would be changing double the diapers with twins, I thought I'd pass on the recipe and ingredients for home made Baby Wipes to them.  

I bought a large 12 cup Rubbermaid sealable container and then put in Baby Wash and Baby Oil inside for the recipe.  Then I decorated the container with the new downloadable label template, stamping it with the peas from the Garden Fresh set, coloring them with Copic Markers.  The gorgeous ribbon is from the Venice Kit (there are still some available!).  The only thing I don't like about the's red on the top seal.  YUCK.  It didn't go with my color scheme at all, but I couldn't find any other containers this size anywhere I looked.  

Here's the very sweet downloadable recipe card from Flourishes and I used one of the smaller labels matching the larger label to dress it up a little.  

Now if you're curious about the recipe, essentially you take a paper towel roll, and a large serrated knife. Cut the roll in half down the length.  Leaving you with two short paper towel halves.  Set one half aside and take the other half (core in) and put it in the container.  Then in a large measuring cup measure about 4 cups of water.  Add 1 TBsp of baby oil and 1 TBsp of baby wash and mix.  Take this mixture and pour over the paper towel in the container.  The mixture will saturate the towels and the core will be easy to pull out.  That's where you'll also pull out your baby wipes for those little baby bums from the center too.  Easy peasy.  And saves some money too!

And there's the ensemble together :)  Sorry, my picture area is not that wide so I had to cut off some of the recipe card.  

Now be sure to check out the Design Teams creative projects today with this set and these templates.  You'll have a lot of fun doing it!
Sharon Doolittle
Jan Marie Caruso

There is a Mystery Blogger among us again today on the Design Team, just comment on all the DT Blogs....and someone will be chosen from those comments to win this great set!

At noon Central today check back for a fun last challenge of the week where you could win this set! 

And remember you can still enter to win the entire release by playing in our  Star Spangled Challenge , or win playing in the Wednesday Sketch Challenge , or the Thursday Pretty in Pink Challenge!  So many chances to win this month!

Remember all these sets are available in the store at 9 am!  


  1. What a creative and thoughtful gift idea! Love your colors, too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a unique card! Love it. Much work involved...... beautiful colors also.


  3. Oh my Gosh! Miss Christine, this is such a Fabulous Gift set! love your Wonderful coloring and the sweet images! Just so Darling! 8-)


  4. hi cristine i don,t no what to say..... its gorgeous i wisch i had a little bit talent from you!!!
    xx petra

  5. Ahhhh, I wondered about the significance of your altered sentiment. I'm in awe of your creativity in using this set. Well done, Christine!

  6. Ohhhhh love the snap peas mixed with that gorgeous blue. Really pretty. I wish we had this receipe, I watch my two twin granddaughters almost everyday, and we sure go thru both diapers and wipes. They are just about potty trained now thou, but I joted this down so I can pass it along. Thoughtful gift.

  7. what a great idea and gift christine, beautiful made and I love the colors, it's very bright and cheerful.

    greetings karin

  8. Luv the blues and greens! So very pretty!

  9. What a really cute idea and very practical as well! Love your watercolor effect and the recipe card download is very fun!

  10. What a great idea and a wonderful gift set. The colors are delightful and this is so creative. TFS

  11. This is my favorite collection of images yet... Just love your idea with the recipe card and such a great money saving tip too... Love that!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  12. I have never heard of this.. What a fabulous idea. The color combo you chose here is perfect for this set. Great job Christine.

  13. Fabulous! Love the colors and the ribbon! Your coloring is wonderful too!

  14. What a wonderful idea... make your own baby wipes. I think matching cards and "wrapping" are so great! I'm adoring your water colouring! Those bows are gorgeous. Great set!!
    Beth Greco

  15. Great the colors and coloring. Very creative.

  16. This is a wonderful gift idea and love your color palette...gorgeous.

  17. How cute is this! Have never seen a recipe for Baby clever. Love the sentiment, too!

  18. Those colors are fabulous - great paper, stamp, watercoloring, ribbon..there is soooo much to like about the card and the idea for making your own wipes!!! Love it.

  19. So cute and what a great gift! Love the water-coloring too!

  20. Great colors and wonderful gift idea. I'll be using this. Thanks.

  21. This is a darling gift! I have never heard of making your own wipes, this is just the coolest!

  22. Who would have thought??? What a great idea and so sweet are those
    sweet peas. Wonderful project. Pat

  23. Great gift set, Christine! I love the colors, and these new veggies are awesome. :)

  24. LOVE how you made this into a baby gift! I'd never have thought of that! Just adorable!

  25. Love circle cards an you've done a great job on yours. What a fun image.

    I have never heard of a baby wipe recipe! Where were you 12 years ago LOL! Think I will be passing this one to a few friends - thanks.

  26. This is a wonderful gift and a brilliant use of this cute, new image. Love your card.

  27. OMG, Christine.....what a fabulous project!!!!! Your coloring, colors, papers, and details are all over the top, and how cool to add the recipe for the baby wipes....I'll have to give this a try!!!!

  28. You didn't forget how to wc. This is gorgeous coloring! A mom of twins will cherish this gift! Love your creative style!

  29. What a great idea! Homemade baby wipes is a new one for me! Thanks! Do they work for cleaning your stamps? I often use store bought baby wipes to clean my stamps (alcohol free of course).

  30. What an adorable set (and a completely useful one, too. I have twin two-year olds and we definitely use a lot of wipes!!). Love your watercoloring and the fact you use the peas. Just perfect.

  31. Such a cdte baby card. I love the colors!

  32. Christine this is brilliant! Love the idea and your use of all the sweet stamps rocks!

  33. Who knew you could make your own baby wipes?! Love your gift idea and gorgeous colors you used for this set! Clever and creative!

  34. Thanks for the baby wipe recipe and the inspiration with this beautiful set!

  35. OH MY LANDS!!!! Thus Sweet Pea gift and card set have to be THE cutest ever!!!!

  36. This is so your colors and what a great idea for homemade baby wipes gift presentation, Christine!!

  37. What a clever idea! I love the packaging you did with the label and the recipe card! And your card is super sweet!

  38. very cute card and what a cute idea for the present, I had never heard of making your own baby wipes, very cute packaging

  39. This is darling and thoughtful. They will appreciate the recipe more than you know. What a blessing! I am excited for them! Wonderful gift Christine.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!