
Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Change is good right?  I mean I think we run from it with some fear, but often change brings about freshness, growth and hope.  Once we can get past the feeling of security in things staying predictable and embrace something new it brings about possibilities we wouldn't have expected, and we see that change can be good.

Pretty philosophical for the blog hey?  (just a warning long post here :)  ...but there's something fun at the end for you so hopefully you'll keep reading!)

Well, I made a big change this week.  And actually I've been waiting for it for quite some time.  First off, as most of you know my husband is a two time cancer survivor.  And we are very committed to helping fight cancer just as my husband was helped.  In a couple of weeks he'll be riding in a 200 km bike ride in the Rocky Mountains called the Ride to Conquer Cancer.  It's a major fundraiser for the Alberta Cancer Society.  When he rode in this fundraiser ride 2 years ago they raised almost 7 million dollars.  When he said he wanted to ride again this year I was proud of him, it's a big commitment because you have to raise $2500 just to enter the ride.  So at the time in the New Year when he planned on joining the ride I told him I'd help him fundraise if I could, by doing something on my blog.

I told him I would cut off my hair and donate it to the Alberta Cancer Society to be made into wigs for cancer fighters (or kids who need wigs too with other diseases).  So I had this big plan to have a giveaway here on the blog to try to raise funds for his ride.

Turns out, so many people we know were so generous that he's already met his minimum goal.  BUT, I was still committed to cut my hair, and maybe help him raise some more money in the fight against cancer.

I've had long hair for a long time now.  At least 4 years being very long, probably to my waist now.  And I've kept letting it grow for this purpose.   Having long hair is part of what makes me feel feminine I think.  So the thought of this is a big change for me :)  But long hair is also kind of a pain, it gets caught in everything, it's heavy and hot in the summer, it gets static-ey in the winter, it blows in your face in the wind, and it's hard to hold a style, or wear pretty long earrings (they keep getting caught in your hair).

This was me this morning rushing out the door to my appointment.... I quickly threw it over my shoulder so it's looking a little messy...but it's definitely long!

And then this is what I did...I went to see a wonderful lady...her name is Mandy...and if you're looking for a fantastic hair stylist in my area, I highly recommend her.  She is a wonderful person, as well as a very gifted stylist, she styled our daughter's hair for grad the other day too.  (drop me an email if you'd like her number!)

For donating hair you need at least 10 inches and we cut off about 13 from mine, it has to be your natural color, no coloring or perming in your hair.  Yep, mine is naturally this color still.   This is the link to info about donating hair in Alberta.  

Getting ready....

Pony tails ready to cut....

Cutting the ponytails.... no going back now!

No more ponytails!  But just wait it will get even shorter...

This is me now on the left :)  and sweet Mandy who cut my hair!  I'm really happy with it and I love how it looks, it's light and airy and I like having a "style", but it will also take some getting used to :)  I really hope I can style it come tomorrow without Mandy!

...all that to say...change is good right?  

And I'd still like to help fundraise for my husband's ride even though he's already over his minimum.... you can never raise too much for cancer research right?  

SO.....I've been saving up for a long time and I'm doing a prize drawing!  I have three major prizes, and I've linked all the sets so that you can click on them to see the stamp set in the store.   

Prize One Above
(value approximately $100) 

Flourishes June Stamp Release - Zinnias, Garden Fresh, and Make a Wish, as well as Around the Arbour and Motherly Love.  

Designer Paper Packs - started packs of Memory Box DewFrost, Basic Grey Two Scoops, Perhaps, Webster's Vellum and Diecut kit, K & Co Roam Mat Pack, SU Love notes stickers (9 pages)

Assorted ribbons from May Arts and retired SU lacy ribbon, and felt ribbon from Creative Imaginations.  

Prize Two Above
(value approximately $85)

Designer Paper - started packs of Basic Grey Lime Rickey and Nook and Pantry

Started boy themed gel stickers (only one used)
SU - Christmas Jingle All the Way - Definitely Decorative Vinyl Sticker
SU - 4 spools Grossgrain ribbon

Prize Three Above 
(value approximately $70) 

Flourishes Stamp Sets - Tokens of Affection, Hearts and Flowers, and Fine Herbs

Flourishes - Metallic Paper pack (these are beautiful metallic papers in numerous patterns)

Started container of SU Pretties Kit (there's lots left!)

Grossgrain ribbon and Christmas Ribbon, plus I'll throw in a bunch of other lengths of ribbon too.  

If you'd like to be entered to win this blog candy and help raise funds for cancer research...  


1.  You must donate to my husband's ride (any amount is fine there's no minimum, every dollar counts!)  Here's the link to his page where you can donate:  Terry's Ride.  Click on the green button saying Donate Online Now.  They will take credit card, and it doesn't matter where you are in the world.   

2.  Come back here and in this post put in your comment "I donated to Terry's ride", and also leave me your email address, and you'll be entered.  

3.  I'll draw a winner on Wednesday June 22nd at 10 pm MTN time from the entries.    You'll have 48 hours to email me and send me you mailing address, or I will choose a new name.  

And if you just want to comment about my hair change you can do that too (hee hee it will be a good boost to me :) just won't be entered in the draw.  

Thanks for caring and sharing in this part of our lives!


  1. Your hair looks wonderful Christine. I went to the site and donated to Terrys ride. My email address is Wonderful prizes you have and I wish you both good health and good weather for Terrys bike ride.

  2. Love your new's so darn cute and it makes you look like a teenager. Wonderful reason to have your hair are awesome to do that. Best of luck to your hubby on his venture. Pat

  3. Hello Christine, Your hair looks AWESOME!! I just love it. I wish I had the courage to cut mine off. It was absolutely my pleasure to donate on behalf of your hubby. I wish him the best. My email is

  4. Absolutely LOVE your new look!! You look fabulous :) A huge congrats to you for donating your hair. I knew you hubby was a one time survivor but had no idea he was a two time survivor! Love how you both want to give back. Wishing him a fabulous ride!! ((hugs))

  5. Wow!! I had to look twice! I love the new do. Very cute, good luck with your hubby's ride.

  6. Christine you look so cute! I like the short hair and big hugs for you cutting it and using it good. Awesome that you raised enough money already. Very cool.

  7. Christine you look absolutley FABULOUS! I love your new hairstyle and boy oh boy what a big change! You go girl!

  8. You look so relaxed and sweet with your new 'do! What a generous thing to do. Someone is going to feel good about themself because of you. Blessings, Diane

  9. Your hair looks wonderful! Young and stylish. Great reason, great results.

  10. Hi Christine I admire your courage and faith- good luck with the fund raising and really I just want to say you look beautiful with this hair style- I would donate to cancer research but I do all that locally as I don't have a credit card. Good luck with the fundraising.

  11. Christine, I LOVE your hair! I was not aware that your husband is a cancer survivor - how awesome that he is riding for the 2nd time to raise money to help others. I'm glad that he is doing well enough health-wise to be able to ride!

    My sister's son was diagnosed with brain cancer in Oct 2006. That Spring my hair was finally long enough for me to donate so I did in my nephew's honor. All of my nephew's male cousins, uncles, friends, brothers and his dad all shaved their heads when he had to shave his hair because it was coming out so much.

    Sadly, my nephew died in Oct of 2008 at the age of 17. He has been such an inspiration to us - and such a source of comfort to my daughter - who also passed away just last Oct (2010). My daughter was born with congenital heart defects and was ill her whole life. She was not expected to survive childhood yet she lived to be 22yrs old (although she was at the level of a 7 yr old). She really took her cousin's death hard but then started dreaming of him taking her to Disneyland where she would ride roller coasters and didn't need her oxygen nor wheelchair. He helped her not be as afraid to die... especially when she became extremely ill and we knew she was near the end last year. It also brings me great comfort knowing that she has her cousin to look after her and help her adjust to her new life in heaven.

    Sorry to go on and on but I wanted to reach out to you and tell you what a wonderful thing you are doing. Good luck to your husband as he rides. I'm sure you won't mind if I share your story and journey on facebook and my blog... I hope that it helps gather more support. :)

  12. Your new style is really cute!

    I donated to Terry's ride!

  13. I donated to Terry's ride. God bless both of you and good luck to him. Your hair cut is adorable. Hope you are enjoying it.

  14. Christine- you look lovely. The "do" is so flattering. I think you made the right decision. A million good lucks. Blessings.

  15. You look fantastic! What a great reason to grow your hair-for donation!

  16. Love the new do! Very updated. And thanks for donating your hair....have had many friends going thru chemo that have bought hair pieces to help their appearance during treatment. Much appreciated!

  17. What a great thing to do. It's not easy to get used to a drastic cut but your short hair is so flattering and you look great! TFS

  18. I was proud to donate to Terry's ride and hope it is wildly successful. Blessings to you, Diane
    Diane Stader

  19. Christine! You look SO gorgeous girlie!!! LOVE your new do! What a wonderful reason to cut that hair off! You are a stunner my friend!

  20. Girl!! Your new look is just adorable! I didn't realize how long your hair really was, you pics are deceiving! I donated to Terry's ride and am so glad that he feels well enough to participate. God bless you both. (I'll be in your Stamp Camp!)

  21. What a beautiful story, Christine! It is so nice to be able to donate your hair for wigs and I wish your husband the best of luck in his ride. I'm so glad he reached his goal. I am a 21 year survivor and am so lucky to have survived. Your hair looks wonderful.

  22. You go girl! You look terrific. I just had to stop and say my daughter is a hair stylist and her name is Mandy!

    xo, Marian

  23. You look fantastic Christine!!! I am a 15 month cancer surviver and am so proud of your hubby to do this for all of us. God bess u both and Gods speed to your hubby. My prayers are with him on his journey. Your new style is flattering. Hugs.

  24. Christine, Your new look is fabulous! I really love it! It is so precious that you made this donation. I donated to Terry's ride and my email address is Praying for a great ride for Terry and much money raised for this important cause!

  25. I donated to Terry's ride and my email address is Such a worthwhile thing your husband is doing. I am sure that just about everyone's life has been affected by cancer whether it be a friend or family member.People that do not even know each other working together for a cure is quite inspiring. Thank you.
    BTW, I love the haircut. I makes you look younger!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi Christine,

    I donated to Terry's ride just now. I was absolutely happy to do so! Anything to help stop cancer in its tracks.

    Your new haircut looks stunning--you are right, change IS good. :) And your reason for the cut is such a wonderful one. My daughter donated 10 inches of hair to Locks of Love two years ago and was so proud to do it. I hope that all of your efforts bring blessings to you and those you aim to help!!

    Enjoy your fabulous new look!!

    (sorry for deleting the last comment--forgot to include my email address! SO wish that blogger had an edit feature for messing up comments like that!!!)

  28. That's a HUGE change for you, and I love it! You look so cute and sassy now!! What a great reason to do it too!

  29. Meant to comment on how wonderful you new do sophisticated, and I thought you were adorable before the haircut. Haven't had a chance to donate - I am freaky that it is a secure site, so let me know those details.....Praising Him that your husband is doing well!! How awesome he wants to give back and help others.

  30. Your hair looks great, I bet it feels really light now, and what a wonderful cause to give it too, all the best to your hubby on the ride, so glad to hear he reached his goal!

  31. Love you new do! Suc a great cause. I so admire you and what you are doing. You always place your heart ad soul into everything you do. I truly admire you for that.

    Jan Marie

  32. From one short-haired blonde to another, may I just tell you that you look MARVELOUS, dahling! I so enjoyed reading about Terry's and your story, and it was my pleasure to donate to this oh-so-worthy cause! Brings tears to my eyes... Big hugs to you, sweet friend. xo - Carole (

    PS - Sweet Pea says 'Hi!' :)

  33. Wow Christine! Your hair looks wonderful and it suits you to a "T". What a wonderful way to donate.

    I have donated to Terry's Ride: allisonnicolecopeAThotmailDOTcom.

  34. Wonderful new look, and SO PERFECT for earrings! You are going to be so happy without all that hair! But. . . now you need a new photo for the blog pic in the right column, teehee!

  35. Your hair looks fabulous!!! It's so cute!!!

    I donated to Terry's ride!

  36. You're a beautiful woman inside & out! Fabulous new hairstyle! I lost a husband and step-daughter to cancer so this cause is close to my heart. I want to keep my donation local as you can understand. I wish Terry a great ride for a great cause!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!