
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's and some Candy!

Happy Valentine's Day Friends!  Lots to share here, be sure to stay in till the bottom of the post - there's something for you!

Here we are last minute and I'm finishing up the boy's Valentine's Cards :)  But, we  did have a good afternoon creating.   This is what our 7 year old and I put together for his classmates.

We went for cute and graphic...and simple. And yet I love how sweetly they turned out, and because they were simple, he could help me make them, which he just loves, and I do too :)  A good mother son moment. 

The set is the very sweet Puppy Love from There She Goes and I colored one of the hearts (top left) adding the little hearts glued on, and then stamped one a second time on this bottom right version and popped it up.  

Our 11 year old son told me the other day "Mom is it ok if I don't do Valentine's for the class?"  My little heart just hurt - is he already too old?  But then I asked - "is it because you don't want the girls who are crushing on you to think you like them?"  (a Mom knows these things)...and yes it was.  Ah!  I'm just not ready for this!  So we agreed to discreetly make just a few for some of his good friends.  Here are the two versions:

and this one

With the two very fun Flourishes sets - Love Notes and Tokens of Affection,  and colored them up loosely with Copics in cool greys and red.  The strip along the side has the PTI Impressions plate with text letters on it.    Super simple...quick and DONE, ADDRESSED and in the backpacks!  :) we are celebrating Valentine's Day, I feel such a deep appreciation for each of you who come here regularly and appreciate my art and crafty-ness.  Thank you for your kindness, your comments,  and the ways we've been able to be cyber friends! I truly enjoy you!  There are many days where I'm creating and think - life's pretty awesome!

I've been very blessed these last 12 months to have reached some of my way out there creative goals, ones that I really wasn't sure would ever happen, the first one was last summer in being asked to be a part of a book on Coloring Techniques and now in magazine print work too.  Who would have ever thought it would happen?  I was honestly shocked to have one of the cards on a cover this month in CardMaker, it's the most wonderful and humbling thing to walk into Michael's and see my work there.  Very much a "pinch me" moment!  Many of you who knew have been very kind to congratulate me :) I didn't want to make a big deal about it here, but the publisher sent me more copies of the magazine and so I have a copy to give away to one of you!

Here's the rules:

1.  Leave a comment and tell me about someone or something you LOVE and why.   Easy peasy.
2.  Leave your email address.  This is a rule people :)  It helps me to contact you if you've won. 
3.  Winner will be chosen on Feb 17th - Thursday evening 9 PM MST and I'll post it here on the blog.  You'll have 24 hours to contact me or I'll choose a new winner.  


  1. I love my husband - he is a really good man.
    Sandra ltb
    slbt17 at yahoo dot com

  2. The cards are darling. I hear you with the getting too old for class Valentine's issue. My little guy passed. Told him he could be mine :)

    A HUGE congrats on your publication news! You go girl!!!

    So many special people to love. We had a great family day so I can say my hubby, and two kids. Also a special Jesus day and I'm so thankful for his love for me :) You've got my e-mail, but just in case, it is on my blog too.

  3. well I love my husband, he is doing everything for me.
    he is always there when I need him.
    and of course I love my fam and friends.

    greetings karin

  4. I love my family and I love scrapbooking. My family is always there for me and they love the gifts made when I am scrapbooking. I have very special cards for them today. It is great that they appreciate them. My family is pretty awesome. Thank you for sharing, your blog is wonderful!

  5. I love my job. I work for an organization that gives grants to fammilies who have developmentally delayed family members living at home - we help them make modifications for accessibility or assist with funds to purchase a modified vehicle. Definitely a warm and fuzzy environment, despite the awe enspiring reality of how much struggle some families live with everyday.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hi cristine what a wonderful valentines you made again each time I enjoy your inspiration again thank you for that!! and the love for someone or something, my love for card making that I can be myself and just my attention and love can make and then enjoy the lovely people who visit my blogg and their appreciation and show some love! ! and of course the love I get from my family and love my job for the elderly! you get so much love back! Thank you for the opportunity to participate to do so.
    love petra

    sorry i forgot my email:

  8. These are ALL sweet as can be, Christine! My 11-yr old didn't want to do class Valentines either. So big so fast... :(

    I'm not commenting to win, but to say BIG CONGRATS on the CardMaker cover!! WOOHOO!! So VERY VERY happy for you!!! :)

  9. Today is Valentine's Day and my DD and her BF are home for a short time and then heading off to Korea for a year to teach. So I'd have to say I love my family and spending time with them brings such joy!!

    Congratulations to you on your published gig!! That must just be over the top exciting when that happens!!

    Beth Greco

  10. I love my man, Kids & granddads ~ so ~ I love my family ~ we have been so blessed ~ thanks so much for this opportunity to win some candy! Have a wonderful day.
    denisewillerton at gmail dot com

  11. Congratulations on your publication success, Christine!! It may have been a surprise to you, but not to me. Your work is always outstanding and such a delight to view!!

    Now, about the people I love? My best friend and husband of 17.5 years and my two sweet children. Whatever would I do without these special people? I love them with *all* my heart.

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Emily ejkeaton{at}comcast{dot}com

  12. Love your cards, love the color combo and the simplicity of the images without a lot of coloring. I love my hubby, my kids, and our 3 dogs, they are just like more kids. :)

  13. Hi Christine:
    Those Valentine cards are absolutely adorable! All my kids are adults now, so I don't have anyone except my husband to make Valentine cards for. Congratulations on seeing your cards in must be so exciting! You do beautiful work and deserve the spotlight! Now, for the magazine contest:
    I would have to say I love many things, but this post, will be dedicated to my husband Dale. He is the most caring, gentle man I know. He always worries about me (too much I think) and even though he drives me crazy sometimes, with his little negativity, I know he loves me even with all my faults too. He supports my love of card making and encourages me every day.
    My email:

  14. That is so awesome, congrats! I've been drawn into that mag several times when I've seen the cover. It is even better when you "know" who's it far as blogs go anyway... :)
    I love my little daughter and my husband, they are so wonderful!!!

  15. LOVE your Valentines girlie! Congrats on being on the cover! WOOT!

  16. Very sweet valentine's cards! I love the Lord. Why? How could you not love someone who always forgives and loves unconditionally. I love my Husband too. He is a sweetie. Congrats on making the cover!! Thanks.

  17. That is great. Congrats. My first love is God then my husband Who is always there for me. I also love stamping & making cards for missionaries.

  18. Congrats Christine. Ruth

  19. A big Congrats to you, that would be so cool to walk in a store and see one of your creations on a magazine!
    Oh I have to say my Hubby, he is a great husband but a wonderful friend too that takes an interest in all I do :)

  20. You're a good Mom making VD cards and cute ones too! I hope you framed several copies of your cover! That's soooooo exciting! Congratulations again! I love my husband. He puts up w/me!!
    leenda1 at cox dot net

  21. First of all congratulations! Fun valentines. Love something or someone - how about sleep! I gotta go to bed before I start babbling on about something!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  22. I already have the magazine so I don't need to be entered into the drawing, but I did want to tell you CONGRATS! I would be over the moon excited if it were me, and I know you are as well. You certainly deserve to be published girl!!!!

  23. Christine it is sad when our children are swayed by their piers into not participating in the things they really love and you handled it great and I love your cards,we just have to support them in any way we can. Congrats on the publication. I am in love with my husband and family but I don't think people give their pets enough credit I love my pets without their unselfish devotion I would not be the person I am today animals have got me through the hard times all through my life.

  24. I love my Mother! She is one of the most important people in my life. (And she loves it when I send her one of my cards!)
    Love your cards. Your children will have wonderful memories of their time spent making cards with you. Have a wonderful day.

  25. I had the most wonderful Valentines Day with my family, have to love grandchildren. With my grandchildren very young, they are so cute opening their Valentines Day Cards and the candy.
    Congrats on your card being published. Very pretty card also.

    Thank you for a chance to win the book that published your card.

  26. I forgot to leave my email hope my entry up there still counts :)

    sunshinestgurl AT gmail DOT com

  27. First of all, SUPER cute cards...all of them!! Congrats on making the cover...I only WISH!!

  28. Totally cute Valentines, I think the heart border is wonderful.

  29. Oh my gosh Christine, I missed this post, I'm so sorry, don't know how I did that! I'm so thrilled for you girl! I can't think of anyone more deserving than you!!!! Congratulations my dear friend . . . totally excited for you! {{{hugs}}}


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!