
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Bound

Whew...I heard on the news the other day that this January has already been 2nd in the books for most amount of snowfall in our area ever.   We've had something like 64 or 69 centimetres of snow so that's somewhere around 27 inches of snow.  My husband hasn't needed a gym membership with the shoveling...the piles in front of our yard are between 6 - 8 feet high.  There's just no where else to put it!

Just look.... this is from my husband's iPhone.  And that's our daughter bundled up coming home from school in our driveway.  She's 5 foot 4 just like me...and you can see it's way above her head.

So, I've been trying to stay warm :)

But to fit right in with the snow all around me I made this little card for The Cat's Pajamas Tuesday challenge.  It's a color challenge of Black, Kraft, White and Yellow.  Since I had this cutie already colored in reds it was a perfect fit, she's from You Suit Me.  

She's adorable isn't she?  I colored her up with Prismacolor pencils and loosely followed the VLV Verve Week 3 sketch.  

I added 2 of the sentiments on the bottom corners...thought they suited the design too.  And you can probably peek and see I've swiped my white craft pad over the embossed snowflakes to make them stand out a little better too.  

Here's what the kids and I have been up to since Sunday afternoon....

I love making puzzles.  This one is quite large...1500 pieces, so it will take us a few more days to get done....though my Dad will work on ones that are 5000 +  pieces all winter.  But I've taken over the table :)  and once I start a puzzle it's really hard to put it down!  

Alright.  I'm off for a date with my hubbie :)  Blessings everyone!

Stamps:  The Cat's Pajamas - You Suit Me;  Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, White Craft ink;  Paper:  Basic Black, Whisper White, Flourishes Classic White, Real Red, Red DSP, Kraft;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Deckled Rectangles Die, SU Ribbon, Twine, Sewing Machine, Black Rhinestones, Prismacolor Pencils, OMS, Blending Stumps, Dimensionals, Snowflake Embossing Folder.  


  1. Wow, That's a lot of snow!!! I am glad that you are keeping warm.

    Your card is adorable Christine. Such a cute image. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Have fun working on your puzzle.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  2. WOOWEE lots of snow, fab picture!!! LOVE your card Christine sooo sweet!!! Puzzles are sooo fun in the winter just a perfect thing to do when snowed in :)

  3. Wow... that sure is a lot of snow. I am glad that you are able to stay inside and keep warm. hee hee the puzzle looks fun and huge. It does make for some quality time!
    She is just adorable and your coloring is fantastic.

  4. Oh my goodness, Christine! Look at all that pretty snow! We've only had an inch or so this whole winter, so that looks awfully nice to me, but I'm sure it must get old fairly quickly. Still, it's fabulous stamping weather! And look at what a cutie you've made! I *love* that sweet image so much, and you've just made her sing. Stay warm, friend!

  5. As everyone keeps saying, that IS a bunch of snow! I love your methods for keeping warm and out of all the white stuff: making cards and making puzzles. Perfect!

  6. We REALLY were separated at birth!! I {LOVE} to do puzzles but like you can't walk away once it is started. Greg refuses to do them with me anymore because I take all the fun out of it by being so obsessed, lol. Looks like a great puzzle too!
    Hope your date night was fun

  7. Holy COW, that's a lot of snow! UGH! (lol)

    Super sweet card!! I love your colors/coloring, Christine! (And good luck with that puzzle! Looks like a bear!)

  8. I'm with you Christine, I LOVE making puzzles!! I only treat myself to them over Christmas otherwise I'd never get anything else done!! We did three 1,000 piece puzzles and two 500 piece puzzles in five days over Christmas :) I'm having serious withdrawals LOL! Do some for me, okay!!

    That is a HUGE amount of snow!! Wow!! I'm the main shoveler in our family and when we got 19" two Christmases ago that was a lot of snow to move! Shovelfest can get old pretty quickly LOL! Time for a snow blower!!

    Almost forget the card! It's darling :)

  9. I think we are getting more snow then usual to but nothing compared to what your getting, Oh my. your card is just too cute, like the embossing and stitching too! I don't know that I have done a puzzle over 1000 pieces we always put one or two together during the holidays :)

  10. Oh my gosh that is alot of snow.. I was complaining about 5 inches and no school for a week.. That is incredible.. Your card is super sweet.. Stay warm..

  11. oh this is darling Christine!!! Love your coloring and the fun little details in your layout!! Thanks so much for playing with us. :)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!