
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some Birthday Blessings

Hey Gang, Happy November!  Whew!

So, I'm busily working behind the scenes on my Flourishes Release cards for November so I can't show you anything of the fabulousness YET....but I thought I'd show you some family photos from our Birthday celebrations this past weekend.

Our daughter, my mom and I are all Birthday Girls in October, so we celebrated together, and we finally had time to have our daughter's friend party this weekend too.

These were the boxes topped with home made paper roses that the girls made at the party.  They had fun and did a great job.  It was fun to display them together at our breakfast bar stools.

This is us birthday sweet mom, our sweet girl, and myself.  My brother and sister-in-law made the Birthday Dinner and my hubby made the desserts.

Ok, not a good picture of me, but a really sweet picture of our toothless seven year old.  

Our middle son :)  He's the kind of kid that even at 11 still wants to sit on my lap, cuddle and have me scratch his back!

Blowing out the 3 candles :), my husband made a Black Forest Cake for my mom and a Lemon Meringue Pie for me.  Both great.   That's my dad to the right supervising.

And I can't resist but have 2 pictures of our niece.  This is her *chair*.  My Mom (Grandma) made it, she's made one for all of the grandkids specialized to each of them and each one of them has LOVED it!   Our niece is so delightful :)

K, is this not adorable?  She was Yoda for Halloween.  My brother is a serious Star Wars aficionado....he dressed as Darth Vader.  

See you later this week!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Happy Birthday Sweet Christine! What gorgeous pics!!!

  2. Happy Birthday ladies! What's the odds of all 3 of you in the same month?! What FUN!

  3. Priceless, Christine! Thanks for sharing you happy times. Such a beautiful family!

  4. It looks like the birthday celebrations were a huge success, Christine!! Thanks for sharing these terrific and super fun photos :)

  5. What wonderful pictures, Christine :) Love the one of the three generations. I have a ten year old that is still a snuggler too and I'll take it as long as I can get it LOL! Your niece is adorable. Thakns for sharing them with us :)

  6. What great pictures, Christine. The one of your Mom, your daughter and you just struck me! Not only do you have birthdays together, you look like triplets!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Happy Birthday, birthday girl! These pictures are wonderful, thank you for sharing! My guys still like to sit in front of me and get their backs scratched . . . hubby gets jealous and says "what about me, when's my turn" . . . . LOL! Looks like you all had a wonderful, wonderful time. I can't wait to see your new designs!

  8. Lucky girl to have birthdays on the same day.Love the flowerson the boxes. Do you have direction on how to do them.

  9. What a wonderful, loving family you have! I'm interested in how to make the flowers, too.

  10. What a sweet little yoda.

  11. Belated Happy Birthday,, Christine!!! Wow, what a treat your hubby baked for you and your awesome!! The picture of the three generations together is priceless!!!Thanks for sharing and I hope you had a wonderful time!! Hugs, Sabrina

  12. Thank you for sharing your birthday pictures, Christine. I love the three generation picture. Next time the three of you are together, get one of your hands showing the three generations. I took one of my mom, daughter and myself and we all cherish the picture. I wrote a story of what our hands have accomplished. Your husband is a sweetie to make the desserts. You are one lucky lady to have celebrated such a wonderful birthday with family. Have a great day.

  13. I love all the pics! Your family is beautiful! I love the paper flowers on those boxes too! Gorgeous! Looks like you all had fun!

  14. What wonderful pictures, Christine....Happy birthday to all three of the beautiful blonde girls!!!!

  15. such pretty flowers for the packages, Happy Birthday to all!

  16. What sweet pictures! All your kiddos are growing so much!! Glad you had some fun family time -- I could feel the happiness through the computer!! ;-)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!