
Monday, November 15, 2010

Art Reception

Our daughter has been able to be involved in some neat things the past few weeks, so I thought I'd show you a little sneak of one of them.  She received a letter last spring that one of her pieces of art from Grade 8 Art was being chosen by the school district for an art showing this fall.  We knew it was an honor, but didn't really realize what a great thing this was until we were invited to the Opening of the Art Showing last week.

Art teachers from all grades across the city submitted pieces of their student's art to be adjudicated.  1400 pieces were sent in, and 201 were chosen.  Our daughter's was one of them.  It was so neat to read the criterion they have for choosing, and these pieces will be up for a whole year.  They did such a fantastic job of the reception and making it a really big deal for all of the students and families.  I was so impressed!  The art was just outstanding too.  Kindergarteners all the way through grade 12 students did some wonderful pieces.

Here's our daughter at her piece... they frame each of them and it really felt like a gallery showing.

Her's is the bottom left piece, it's mixed media, the students drew a still life in one direction on the page, rotated the page, drew it again, rotated and drew again, then colored with chalk, pastel, charcoal and then added paper.  So it's sort of collage/abstract.   It's funny because she says, "Mom it wasn't my best piece"...but still!  It's such a big deal to be chosen!  It's neat the way they paired it with two other pieces from other students too.  Fun to see her recognized and to be able to share it with her!

And now I'll show you something that my mom did with one of my pieces.  Do you ever wonder what people do with your creations you make for them?  Sometimes I wonder if they get saved or tossed....but my sweet mom doesn't toss anything.  I gave her a special piece I had made for her way back HERE.  And she decided to frame it!  Here's what it looks like now:

It looks really great on their wall, and I was so touched that she'd frame it.

 Thanks for letting me share it with you!

...And on a person note again! Never a dull moment in our family.  Now it's my Dad who is in the hospital.  You might remember a month or so ago that my husband's Dad had a stroke, well, Sunday my Dad was admitted to the Heart Institute here in the city we live in.  What's essentially happening is his heart electricity is not doing what it's supposed to so it beats far too slow and then goes crazy high for long periods of time and they can't control it.  He already has a bad heart, but it looks like he's going to have a pacemaker put in.   Things are a little crazy around here.  And if you're willing, we'd appreciate your prayers for his recovery and that the pacemaker could be put in quickly!

I have pre-posted things ready to show you all week, but I'll be in and out the next few days juggling kids, work and hospital.   Thanks to you friends out there.


  1. Way to be a proud mama and let us be proud with you :) A HUGE congrats to your daughter! What a wonderful honor and experience for her.

    Sorry to hear about your dad. Prayers will be with him (((hugs)))

  2. What a wonderful honor for your DD, Christine....her art piece looks AWESOME!!!! Your mom was sooo sweet to frame your beautiful's always have a way of making us feel special!!! I'm sending your Dad and your family many prayers for strength during this difficult time....hope all goes well with your Dad and he is back home soon!!!

  3. Christine, you have every right to be a proud Mama! Stephen had something very similar here in Tampa when he was a junior in high school. His art was hung in an art gallery in Tampa for a year. I went to see his work on display and took pics of his art and the gallery . . . I was near bursting at the seams with pride as I'm sure you and Terry are as well!

    The framing is beautiful for the piece you gave your Mom. It's absolutely gorgeous!

    Will definitely keep your dad in my prayers, as well as the rest of the family during this time. {{{hugs}}}.

  4. How wonderful for your daughter - congratulations to her. You should be a proud mother. How neat that your Mom framed your artwork.
    Hope things go well for your Dad.

  5. What a fantastic honor for your daughter, congrats to her!

    Your father and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Wow. what a busy week for you Christine. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope all goes well and your dad is back on his feet soon.

    The piece that you made your mom is gorgeous and is beautiful in the frame. What a wonderful thing for your mom to do.

    It looks like your girl is a chip off the ole block. I would be proud of her too. Her work is amazing!!!!

    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Hug and Blessings,


  7. My prayers will be with you & your

  8. Conratulations to your sweet daughter. I bet you are one proud momma. Her work is wonderful. She is very talented.
    I am sorry to hear about your dad. I am sure they will take good care of him and do whatever they need to do for him. :)

  9. What an artist you have in your family.. She must take after her mom.. I love it that your mom framed that card.. It was AMAZING as always.. Sending prayers for you and your dad..

  10. you have a talented daughter christine.
    and your card has framed beautifully.

    greetings karin

  11. Your beautiful daughter is a real up and coming artist! Like mother like daughter. Your Humming Along piece looks wonderful in the frame and that's exactly where it should be. Such a gorgeous piece! Christine, my step-dad (more like a father, really) got a pacemaker and lived a healthy life for all the rest of his natural days, well into old age. I always called him the Bionic Man.

  12. That is wonderful news about your daughter, the talent for art must run in your family!
    And as one who is going through many of the same struggles with parents, I will say a prayer for your Dad's recovery this week, Christine.
    Your mom's framed piece is so beautiful!!

  13. A big Congrats to your daughter and what wonderful framing of your project, my sister framed a piece that I crocheted a frame on it, neat to see it didn't just get thrown in a drawer.
    Sorry to hear about your Dad, hopefully since this is a few days old that he is doing much better now!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!