
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Aim for the Clouds

I knew that one of our students who graduated from HS in June was really bright.  She was a part of the IB or International Baccalaureate program in HS (it's crazy hard course work a lot like doing University in High School), and I knew she had really great grades and worked really hard at her schooling.  But we found out on Thursday that she wasn't just good...she was GREAT, in fact brilliant.  She tied with another student for the highest IB grades in all of our school the whole district in our city of about a million people.  Her IB average was 98.8%.  Is that not amazing?   And the even better part, she's a wonderful girl with an amazing giving heart.  You should have seen her in Mexico City loving on those kids.  Now she's in University doing well, and has received some great scholarships.

Well, you just can't let an accomplishment like that go unnoticed.  So, I made this card for her with my new TSG set, Aim for the Clouds.  I'm just tickled by this really appeals to me with it's dreamy hopeful feel.   And I just love those striped rows of fields and hills!

I colored up the hills and mountains with Prismacolors and OMS, and framed the scene with a Beaded Circles Nestie which I sponged.  Then I mimicked the hills in the design with some designer paper sewn on (Prismas Annalee and Fairy Flora).  A little popped up balloon, and some clouds as well as curving the sentiment in the corner gives it a flowy feel.

Thanks for dropping by!  

.....Oh and on a family note....thanks for those of you who have asked about my husband's dad and his recent strokes.  We just talked to him today on the phone.  He's still in the hospital and is doing some good rehab, which is making a difference.  We're hopeful they'll let him stay long enough to really help in his recovery, as they are a hour and 1/2 from this major hospital at home.  

Recipe:  Stamps:  There She Goes - Aim for the Clouds;  Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black;  Paper:  Wild Wasabi, Pear Pizzazz, Marina Mist, Flourishes Classic White, Prisma Annalee and Fairy Flora;  Accessories:  Prismacolor Pencils, OMS, Big Shot, Beaded Circles Nestabilities, Sponge, Dimensionals, Basic Grey Buttons, Glue Dots, Cotton Linen Ribbon in Baby Blue, Sewing Machine.  


  1. What a wonderful story. Trusting God will use her in amazing ways in whatever career He directs her to. I'm sure she will love the card :)

  2. What an amazing young lady! She'll love this bright & encouraging card!

  3. prachtige kaart en kleuren!!!
    beterschap met uw vader!!
    xx petra

  4. it's a beautiful card christine.
    she has a high score, but she has learn hard, so she earned this.
    you have used bright colors, that is great.

    greetings karin

  5. Christine this is FANTASTIC girl!!!

  6. So cute! Love the hot air balloon. :)

  7. Wow what an achievement for this girl!! Great card, love how you did the hills on the paper and great coloring!

  8. What a sweet card for a sweet girl! I love your stitching, balloon, and clouds :)

  9. Way to go! and I'm sure she will love this beautiful card.

  10. Gorgeous Christine!! I so love your coloring and your design with the clouds, hills and buttons. Beautiful

  11. This is such a beautiful stamp...I am really drawn to it as well!! What a great encouragement card, super colors and design!!

  12. I followed your link and looked at the set, and it's really cute but, you know, it's what you did with it that really sells me. This card is fantastic! So bright and cheerful, beautifully colored and designed. Your young friend will be touched that you made it for her. She sounds like a very special person. Still hoping for your FIL's good recovery.

  13. GORGEOUS, Christine! Love the color combo and your coloring ALWAYS rocks!

  14. Totally adorable Christine, I love the "floating clouds" and the colors are so perfect for this image. Your friend will love the card!

  15. Dear Christine~~

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful example of a student! In the news we only hear the sad stories. It is exciting to hear of this young lady! I love the card that you made for her. I like how you used your coloring on the card. Very eye catching.

    Thank you!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

  16. This is SO pretty, Christine! Love the coloring!

  17. This is so gorgeous, Christine, and your coloring looks incredible!! I also love how you've popped the balloon and clouds. She'll totally LOVE it!

    I'm praying for your Father-In-Law's continued rehabilitation.

  18. Ooooh, what gorgeous colors, Christine, and I love your beautiful coloring!!!! Your young friend is going to treasure this wonderful gift from the heart!!!

  19. Christine, I just love this card. The layout and the colors are lovely together. I know that this gal will just love it. She sounds amazing!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!