
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stripedy Stockings

Hello Friends!  Hope you had a good weekend.  Ours was very productive with some stamping for me, and a whole lot of cleaning, which felt good to accomplish.  I got my boys organized in their room  - we're almost 100% there.  My boys don't feel like *cleaning* or *organization* should be words in their vocabulary, so this was needed :)

While we were on vacation I colored this little cutie-patootie PI girl thinking it would be for our neighbour.  He recently had a heart attack that was so unexpected.  I saw him just minutes before it happened, and we were very concerned.  But, since we've come home he's doing so much better, has quit smoking and is really looking good that he doesn't even really NEED this anymore - which is a good thing I guess hey?  

I colored her up with some more masculine colors in my copics.  And do you see her stripedy stockings?  I used different colors of BG (72, 75 and 78)  to stripe it.  I think it's such a fun detail, probably my favourite part of the whole card :)

I've added some fun cork and some ruffled ribbon too, then I also sponged the teddy bear with blender solution to give him a little texture.   I mirrored the stripes from her stockings in the paper and the way I did the layout too.

Busy week ahead, our kids start school on Wednesday, and they're trying to squeeze the last bits of freedom out of the summer!    Rumour has it we're going to have a cold and early winter, the geese are already gathering....but I'm not sure who to believe quite yet, I'm really hoping they're (whoever "they" are) wrong but time will sure tell!

Recipe:  Stamps:  MFT - Pure Innocence - Better Get Better;  Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black;  Paper:  Chocolate Chip, Baja Breeze, SU - Parisian Breeze DSP, Cork (MFT), Flourishes Classic White Cardtsock;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Labels 10 Nestabilities, MFT Ric Rac DieNamics, Chocolate Kaiser Pearls, Dimensionals, Riffled Ribbon, Piercer, Scallop Edge Punch.  


  1. Oh!! This is SO sweet Christine! LOVE the layout and your coloring is AMAZING!!

  2. Love it, love it! I have this cutie but haven't inked it yet. Thanks for the inspirationa!

  3. Awwwwww, that is SOOOOO sweet! I love that you used the ric rac die with the cork...I'm gonna have to try that!

  4. Oh my word SOOOOOOO CUTE Christine, LOVE this!!!!

  5. This is a gorgeous get well card Christine!! I love your coloring of teh adorable image. YOur neighbor will love it!!

  6. Christine, those stockings are SO COOL! Wonderful card!
    Hugs and smiles

  7. Such a cute card. I love the cork accent!

  8. Awww... This is darling and would make anyone feel better.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!