
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flourishes Friday - Never Too Late

It is never too late to have a happy childhood.  :)  I just love this sentiment from the newly released Flourishes - Kids Play set.  I did a rich but clean looking card for today.  This set is perfect for some really wonderful  - yet quick cards don't you think?  I used the new SU Cherry Cobbler ink and paper and paired it with Espresso and some pretty 7Gypsies paper, and then just added some touches of white to make it pop.  The Early Espresso is really a dark color, which is gorgeous on cards, but a little harder to photograph.  I added some pretty embossing to it for some definition.

This was the Mojo Sketch from a few weeks ago, which I thought was so pretty.  There it is clean and simple and pretty.  

Remember today is your last day to purchase the gorgeous New Release Bundle at Flourishes at 10% off!


  1. I just love the color combo you used here - I'm waiting for my SU order to come in with these new colors! Your card is fresh and clean. And I love your family photos too!

  2. OH WOW this is sooo pretty I LOVE this color combo thats for sure! Beautiful Christine!

  3. What a precious image! Wonderfully highlighted on the card too :D

  4. She looks beautiful in red, Christine! I always love a red and chocolate combo, and these two are very rich, indeed. Love your card!

  5. BEAUTIFUL card, Christine! I LOVE that set. I have two cards made with it already that I will post next week. Absolutely love it.
    Hugs and smiles

  6. So pretty! I love the white dots on the black! That red really pops! Gorgeous!

  7. Love the black and red and the piercing/dots around the circle is just perfect! Beautiful card!

  8. Very cool! Great design and I like the black and red combo.

  9. this is beautiful christine
    great paper and lovely colors

    greetings karin

  10. This is so perfect for this set.. I love the way you stamped the image and the colors you chose.. Great job Christine.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!