
Friday, July 2, 2010

Something Altered

Hey Gang!  It's late almost 1am, and we just returned home from our Canada Day Celebration.  My husband and I celebrated our Anniversary a little early and after taking our kids to Toy Story 3D this afternoon, we dropped them off at my parents place and then had a rest of the day date.  We went for a lovely steak supper, then to an Arts Festival downtown and then we went to the River Valley in our city and watched the fireworks which were VERY impressive. 

Anyway....I'm very late for my post tonight.  It's Flourishes Friday and Julie has challenged us FLLC girls to do something altered today.  I am going to show you what I gave to my brother for Father's Day this year.  An altered tin album that he can put on his desk at work.   Below is what I started with, and old SU tin that held some stickers and scrap page accents. 

And here is what I made from it....

I've combined a few gorgeous FLLC sets,  Ferns and Fiddles and the setntiment from A Guiding Light and from Tag Lines.  As you can see I used some black braided loop trim to serve as the opening for the tin and to pull out the pictures in the album.

Is not my niece the most ADORABLE little thing!  Oh we love her!  She looks so thoughtful in these pictures but she's getting to be such a playful goofball too. 

All these pictures will open larger if you click on them...but above is the album fully open, the pictures open from each side of the tin accordian style.  I think I have some more close-up pictures that I'll add in the AM after I wake up...and I may sleep in without the kids here :) 

I stamped the beautiful ferns in black Memento Ink and also in the yummy Pear Tart from Memento too, and that "patterned paper" became my accents.  

I love that it was simple, because my niece really SHINES in all the pictures, and it's still masculine this way too.  I know my brother was touched to receive it. 

ETA....I did find my close ups so I'll add them of the project too. 

Above - left side

Above- right side

Sweetest little face...this is very much her personality :)

You'll want to see the Flourishes Blog and the DT girls jumping in today:  Julie, Dawn, Leslie, Stacy, and Laura. 

Recipe:  Stamps:  Flourishes - Ferns and Fiddles, A Guiding Light, Tag Lines, Life Lines;  Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black and Pear Tart;  Paper:  Basic Black, Whisper White, Kiwi Kiss;  Accessories:  Oval Punch, Circle Punch, Pinked Hearts Punch, Scor Tape, Corner Rounder, Corner Punch, Birds/Branch Jumbo Punch, Black Braided Trim, Black Kaiser Pearls,


  1. hi christine

    I think he will really like this
    this is very beautiful
    you have did a wunderful job

  2. This is beautiful.. He must have loved this.. I like these because you could just take it anywhere with you.. Great job Christine.

  3. Beautiful tin and so sweet Christine!!! Have a wonderful weekend and anniversary!!! Hugs ~S~

  4. Christine this is beuatiful. Oh I love the colors you used and such a thoughtful gift. She is ADORABLE. Look at those cheecks and that innocent face... aaawwwhhh...

  5. Oh, how beautiful and what a precious child! What a wonderful idea, Christine!

  6. Happy Anniversary to you too :D Our's is on the 1st. Darling tin box project. We're off to see Toy Story 3 tomorrow. Have a great weekend.

  7. So beautiful, Christine! I love the idea of a photo album all contained, and your little niece just shines with personality in this!!
    Happy Anniversary!

  8. What a fabulous gift and so creative! So meaningful - a true keepsake.

  9. What an absolutely fantastic keepsake, Christine!! I love how it fits in the tin...and the green looks wonderful with the black and white!!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!