
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Release - Seeds of Friendship LOVED yesterday's sets I know, but I have ANOTHER set I know you will love too!  And if you're a Flourishes Fan you'll love combining this gorgeous set with some of your other FLLC sets too, it will give everything new life. 

Summer is the time for planting and picking....and it's just the perfect set for that!  Your own seed packet with all the fixin's! 

Again I have 2 samples for you today....

You know the old vintage crate labels that would come on fruit crates?  Vibrant colors, rich feeling...that's what I was going for here. 

I took the new Seeds of Frienship set and stamped it with Stazon on watercolor paper, as well as the Grown with Love sentiment.  Then I took out my reinkers and markers and set to work watercoloring these gorgeous peaches from the Cherries and Peaches set.  I took my colors from this gorgeous new 7Gypsies Victoria paper.  The colors were just right to me, and look at that, there's some Wild Wasabi Green, before the other day, I can't remember the last time I used that color!  A little Square Lattice embossing folder on the Baja Breeze layer, some sewing, and some beautiful Ivory Crochet Trim, Floral Accent Shapeabilities, and pearls makes for a fun vibrant card. 

Next is the card I first envisioned when I saw this set.  And gratefully it came out just like in my little noggin.  

I've combined my new favourite Cherry Blossoms set  with the Seeds of Friendship on Flourishes Classic White Cardstock using Memento Tuxedo Black ink.  But!  I used two separate layers.  The Cherry Blossoms are on a single layer and the seed packed is popped up like a frame.  I just cut out the center of the stamped seed packet to form the frame and wound this gorgeous pink silk ribbon around it.

The coloring is done with Copics using the Hollyhock Collection and BG0000 and BG01 in the background for shading, and some Meadow Collection greens

The papers are Memory Box Spearmint which I've sewn on.  And do you see that gorgeous crocheted heart?  My sweet friend and fellow FLLCDT partner Stacy made them and sent them to me, she's SO great.  I've added a button and half pearl inside the heart.  I love that this card turned out pretty and feminine. 

Now you'll see lots of wonderful creative things with this set at the DT girls' blogs, so head on over to Dawn, Danielle, Julie, Laura, Leslie, and Stacy to see what they've cooked up....and head to the Flourishes Blog to enter to win this fabulous set!  You won't be disappointed. 

Don't forget about:  
  • the Release Party Thursday night in the Splitcoaststampers Flourishes Forum 
  • the Recipe contest to win the entire new release, check it out HERE
  • And you can pre-order these new releases already, check out this link!  

Thanks for stopping by friends!


  1. Oh those both are completely gorgeous!! Love the crocheted heart with the button and pearl on it. This set has SO much potential!! Love it.
    Beth Greco

  2. These are GORGEOUS, Christine! I'm especially fond of the first one with that vibrant color combo and the corner treatments!

  3. Love love love what you've done!

  4. hi christine

    thes are very beautiful
    great colors and coloring.
    beautiful stamp set
    I love how you turn that ribbon on
    the card below.

    greetings karin

  5. they're both beauties. Love the coloring on the peaches

  6. These are incredible.. The peaches one shows your amazing eye for coloring.. GREAT cards Christine.

  7. Beautiful Christine! Oh your peaches look so yummy and real with your coloring. Feminine and beautiful is your blossoms, love the stitching and the heart looks wonderful. :0) Beautiful cards.

  8. your coloring is divine on these cards

  9. I seriously have no words for these -- they are sheer perfection!!! I am in awe!

  10. Simply Gorgeous cards. Hard to pick a favorite so I won't. Loved the heart embellishment on your second card.

  11. I just LOVE these!! This set was a stroke of genius :)

  12. TOOK MY BREATH AWAY!!! WOW! These are beyond GORGEOUS!!!

  13. WOW Christine! Gorgeous artwork! Beautiful coloring & layout w/perfect touches!

  14. Beautiful, Christine!! The peaches and leaves look incredibly real with your (always) outstanding coloring. And, of course, I know how you love the cherry blossoms, so everything you create with them is divine!

  15. Hi Christine - I scrolled down to see your new post and just GASPED at the beauty of the Peaches card! Literally took my breath away-again! Your watercoloring is perfection-I love the depth of colors you've achieved. GORGEOUS.

  16. Your coloring of the peaches is AWESOME! The whole card glows.

  17. I love vintage labels too and these are gorgeous! Love the soft coloring on the peaches - I have that stamp and I've been afraid of how to color it, so this is a wonderful guide! Mine come out looking like pumpkins and I see they really have yellow and pink more than orangy shades. :-) Also love the textured panel at the top behind the peach label. Your blog is so inspiring to me, thanks!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!