
Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Bible Bookmark

Welcome to our Shining the Light Challenge with Our Daily Bread Designs this week.  Today's challenge is one I actually made for ME, moi, myself :)  A bookmark! 

I often make bookmarks for other people, in fact I made one for my Dad for Father's Day last week, I'll show it to you this next week.  But today, I made this for me.  My Bible does have a page ribbon, but usually I've stuffed other things in there to mark other pages, and now I'll have something pretty to put in instead.

I've used the very pretty Grow in Grace set, because to me, it's my heart to grow in understanding His grace for me this year.  I've used some of my favourite colors to combine, rich olives and peaches - using Webster's Pages and I cut out a window for the flowers from this set using my nestability template.  Lots of pretty ribbons and beads and a charm.  I don't know why, but I took lots of pictures of this one, I must like it :)

Coloring is done with Copics (R01, R11, R12, R14 and YG91 YG93, YG95, and some shading with W2)

Yummy Ribbons, Crochet Lace, Silk and Satin Finish as well as twine and beads. 

And then some ruffles along the bottom.  Very feminine but not too fussy or bulky to put in the pages of my Bible.  Plus now I'll never miss where my Bible is.  When I do announcements and prayer up front in Church on Sundays I'm notorius for grabbing our Senior Pastor's Bible from the pulpit after prayer rather than mine (they do look a lot alike)....then he starts preaching and instead of his Bible up there - it's mine.  It's happened like 3 times at least!  So embarrasing.  He looks at me and says "Christine I think you have my Bible"  I have to get up in front of everyone and trade him, thankfully our congregation is able to laugh WITH me not at me :)    See why I need so much grace? 

This Sunday my husband and I are preaching in the three services.  All of us on staff take turns throughout the year at least twice so our Senior Pastor gets a break.  We'll be preaching on Leaving a Legacy of Faith.  So, I'm off for now....see you next week!

Be sure to check out the other pretty bookmarks with the ODBD Challenge Team and join us in making one too.  This challenge will last for 2 weeks and you can win ODBD prizes

ChrisSabrina, Francie, and Patter


  1. Your bookmark is jaw dropping gorgeous Christine!! I just love all the ribbon lace, the design and the flower!! Stunning!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Such a beautiful set to use on your bookmark. Love your coloring, and the lace you added is perfect! That will be beautiful in your Bible! Have a blessed day!

  3. Sooooooo beautiful! Love all the different ribbons at the top. :)

  4. CHristine this is sooooo pretty! I love the color combo... it's one of my most favorite and the ribbons and lace are so pretty and feminine!!! I just love your style and design!!!

  5. Christine, your bookmark is absolutely gorgeous!--beautifully colored and perfectly embellished!I'm glad that you will be able to tell your BIble from the pastor's now as well. . . ;-}

  6. Christine, this is such a gorgeous bookmark!!! Your coloring is as always out of this world and one day....maybe one day I will learn how to color like that ;D. I am sure will grab the right bible from now on. May God give you the right words tomorrow and touch someones heart!!! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  7. Lovely, soft bookmark, Christine and I love the colours you used.

    Preach up a storm tomorrow - great topic!! When I did my dad's eulogy I was impressed by how many thiongs he did in his life and the legacy he left. SO important to do! Heard a great quote in a sermon, are you building a title or a legacy. Titles get forgotten but legacies done - loved it! Good idea for the giggling away at thinking of you taking it and him having to get it back :D

    Can't wait to see what you make with your new Verve :D

  8. Wow Christine - stunning work! I would be taking lots of pictures of this too! No one should mistake your bible for someone else's anymore! Simply fantastic!

  9. Your bookmark is gorgeous, Christine. I like the idea of making one for your own Bible and it will help you keep track of it, too!
    Hope the teaching goes well tomorrow...leaving a legacy of Faith is very dear to me too!

  10. Beautiful, Christine! Love the ribbon and lace together! So beautifully colored! Hope your teaching went well today!

  11. Fantastic bookmark and for you... Wow... I don't think I have seen you make something for you. We know you will enjoy it. :0) How did the service go? A legacy of faith is a great sermon, do you do pod casts by chance? I would love to hear what you spoke on???

  12. Your bookmark is absolutely gorgeous, Christine!! I love your beautifully colored flowers, pretty papers, and wonderful ribbons & lace!!

  13. Love the lace and the beads. Really pretty... thanks for sharing

  14. I just love your beautiful bookmark :) thanks for sharing :)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!