
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kid Friendly

We had a busy but fun weekend so far.  Our middle son had his friend party for his 11th birthday.  We did an ice-skating and swimming party at a great facility near us.  Last time we did a party like this for our daughter a year and a half ago I think, our youngest son (then probably 5 years old) tried ice skating for the first time and he did not like it.  He adamantly said "NO I'm not doing it anymore"  It was a bit of an episode actually.  He was so afraid and just couldn't get his balance.  But now he's six and he said today he'd try again and with a happy heart he did great.  I always delight in seeing the kids keep trying at something and then succeed. 

So here were the party invites: 

I mixed the wheel from the old pirate set rolled in White Craft ink and then added the whale from the Animal Stories set.  Makes a cute combination for a water related party.  And red is his favourite color.  I added a wavy trim with this Wavy Dotted border punch too.  Super simple.  It's a front fold, and the party details were inside.

Our middle son also went to another BDay party on Friday for one of his really good friends from school.  She's lived across this street since we moved here and they love to play street hockey or bike or jump on the trampoline together.  She's a great fun girl.  So here was her birthday card.  I made it the other night with my SU demonstrator Susan. So it's totally her design :)

Don't you love the tiger striped ice cream and the waffle cone embossed layer?  All items from the Summer mini catalogue.  Way cute I think. 

So - sweet and quick :)  It's a sleepover here tonight with some of the boys from church who came to the party.  I know they've got to be exhausted.  A ball-hockey game in the morning, ice-skating and swimming, then jumping on the trampoline and playing road hockey at home.  Think I'll get them to bed????

Catch you later everyone!!


  1. Way to run those boys hard today, Christine! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that they fall asleep soon so you can get to bed at a decent time yourself ;D Darling card! I'm sure she'll love it :D

  2. You have had a busy day! I should think after all the fun you've had with them that they would be exhausted! I would be! lol

    Cute cute invite and the SU! card is so sweet.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!