
Monday, May 24, 2010

The Red Lighthouse

Tonight when I saw the Challenge Colors for the SCS Color Challenge I remembered that I made an extra card for the most recent release at Flourishes that I absolutely LOVE, but I hadn't posted yet.  And Mr. OKKEN, HUSBAND OF MINE....don't read any further as this will be your Father's Day card and I don't want you to spoil the surprise....ok....just to make sure I'll leave a little space :)

Betty's colors are Real Red, Bermuda Bay and Kraft, and here's what I created.

I watercolored this gorgeous lighthouse scene from A Guiding Light with reinkers and markers and cut out with the Long Deckled Nestabilities.  The paper was actually my total inspiration.  It's from Webster's Pages - the Triple Pack Collection , isn't it perfect? 

I kept the details simple, a little piercing, a little punch edgework, and some frayed ribbon along with the criss-cross along the brads detailing, tied with some linen thread.   

Just YUMMY I think!    Thanks for stopping by again today! 


  1. wow this is beautiful
    I'm sure your husband will find the card beautiful
    I like the colors too

    greetings karin

  2. Christine Oh my word Girl I LOVE the red and this lighthouse creation!!!!!! AWWWWW this is totally GORGEOUS!

  3. Beautiful card, Christine! I'm sure your Hubbie will love it!

  4. I absolutely love your card and I tell you what I may have to steal your idea of the brads with the linen thread crossed throught it absolutely love that idea. Fantastic job....

  5. Oh Christine! This is MAGNIFICENT girl! Your husband is one lucky guy to receive this masterpiece! LOVE the image, your coloring, those papers and the brad/twine treatment!

  6. Christine, you have created a masterpiece and I am sure that Mr. Okken will love it!!!Your coloring is as always out of this world and everything on this card...and I mean everything, is perfection to the T!!! Thanks for sharing this awesome card. Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  7. Christine, This is such a lovely card - one of the most beautiful I have seen in ages!!! I just love everything about it, especially the frayed end of the ribbon. Fabulous card!!! Blessings, Louise

  8. This is really unique. I appreciate your comments on how you created this beautiful image. You should frame your card!!

  9. Christine, You are almost making me want this have done such a beautiful job watercoloring...and your added details make it even more special!
    Hope your man doesn't take a sneak peek, though. :)

  10. Great card! I love the little details you add, like the twine around the brads. So creative! Love it!

  11. How pretty! Are you allowed to say "pretty" when talking about a card for a man? LOL!
    Love it!
    True :D

  12. i just HAD to leave a comment: your watercoloring is gorgeous!!! what a breath taking card.

  13. WOW! WOW! WOW!!! Gorgeous card for your hubbby, Christine! Your watercoloring is spectacular, and I love how you did the ribbon.

  14. Wow oh wow Christine! I love Kraft and red and you really worked these colors beautifully!!!! GORGEOUS!!!

  15. This card is just perfection! Just the right amount of details to not be overdone for a man. Excelent coloring here !!!

  16. Oh my this is gorgeous. Really took my breath away. Wonderful watercoloring and the colors are stunning.

  17. Your coloring is phenomenal. The paper, the all looks stunning! And now I DO need those deckle rectangles. And I thought I could live without them. Dang it girl....visiting your blog is getting expensive!
    Hugs and smiles

  18. Your coloring is outstanding, Christine! Love the background dp! Just beautiful!

  19. Seriously stunning!! Such beautiful colouring.... wow. I'm just sitting here working on a Father's Day card myself with a little bit of a water theme too. 8)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!