
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just a Little Yummy Blog Candy

Well, I'm 3/4 of the way to 200 000 blog hits everyone, Woo Hoo!  Thank you for visiting and commenting!  I appreciate each of you!  So, it's spring and I needed an excuse to give some things away.  How's that sound to you? 

I have TWO Blog Candy Prizes to give away. 

Prize One:  3 fantastic Stamps Sets from Flourishes:  Let's Have Tea, Clouds Background and Friendly Reminders

Plus:  10 assorted May Arts ribbons
Prize Value $60

Prize Two:  One fantastic Our Daily Bread Designs Stamp Set:  You Will Find Refuge

Plus:  10 Assorted May Arts Ribbons
Prize Value:   $30

RULES:  Leave a comment on this post TELLING ME some things you would enjoy a focus on in the next year (something you think I can do :)  ok?).  One comment per person please.  You must leave me an email address in the post.  And if you don't follow the rules I'm sorry I won't count your post.  

It's nice to hear feedback of what you'd enjoy, I can't do it all but it's nice to hear some ideas from you!   

Contest Closes Saturday May 8th at 11 pm MTN time.  I'll draw for the prize and post the winners on Mother's Day. 

This isn't a rule but I'd really love for the winners to use these stamp sets to play in the challenges over at each of these great companies.  Entering Challenges has made me a better stamper, AND I've won great prizes participating too!  And honestly that's how any of my design teams found me.  I've been very blessed to be a part of them. 

Flourishes has weekly challenges on Tuesday and a once a month challenge at the beginning of the month to enter to win that month's new release sets. 

Our Daily Bread Designs runs challenges each Saturday. 

Alrighty!  Best wishes! 


  1. What nice blog candy!
    I would like to see more posts on the following things:
    how to make your own embellishments, recycling ideas, and 3 D gift holders.
    I enjoy your blog...thanks for sharing! Elaine

  2. You have pulled out the stops on this blog candy, Christine! Thank you for the opportunity to win :D

    As for what I'd like to see, I'm quite stumped to think of anything new right now! Hope that doesn't disqualify me...I'm a bit brain dead after hubby and I cooked for the youth retreat at the church this weekend -- 100 kids plus adults. Long hours, lots of work, but wonderful to hear kids say they love the food (hubby is a great cook and even large quantities still taste good).

    Yeah, a brain cell surfaced!! Any tips on how to do things, or something that has helped you in creating a card or organizing your stamp area are always welcome.

  3. I haven't been following your blog for very long, but I love your style. I'd like to learn more about your creative process, selecting images, paper choices, etc. Your coloring is amazing, so I'd love more info on that, techniques, etc.

    Thanks for the chance to win such great candy!

    Diane M

  4. LOVE that blog candy, right now I'm especially fond of the beautiful detailed Flourishes stamps, although I do have a few sets from ODBD and love them as well. I'm just wanting to do lots of coloring practising and learning new techniques, and I find the Flourishes stamps give me that opportunity, and I don't think that anyone makes better stamps. I've had my eye on that tea set for awhile too! I am also drooling over that absolutely amazing ribbon too, yummy!

    I'd love to see you concentrate on doing some detailed, step-by-step coloring tutorials. I know that they're very time-consuming to produce, but I'd appreciate learning from your obvious coloring expertise especially in copics, but in other mediums like gamsol and any other you'd like to share. This is my passion right now, and I'm impressed with what you can do, and would be so honored to learn from you.

    I'd also love to hear how to choose inks for specific types of stamps, I'm fairly new to clear (I only have a few Flourishes stamps, and they are quite new purchases), and do find getting them to ink up as well as my wood-mounted and cling to be a challenge. I'm sure with a few hints, I'll be on my way. Tutorials on favorite inks and when/why you use them would be interesting and helpful for me and I'm sure lots of others too. Moving into embossing techiques too, any different ways you use heat embossing or other types would also be interesting I think.

    I've been thinking that I should be trying some of these challenges and want to do them when possible. I do have do deal with a chronic disability that does at times take me away from stamping myself, and then I'm so grateful to be able to distract myself from the pain, and look at what other talented artists have created in cardmaking like you, thank you for sharing your talent with all of us!



  5. Thanks for the chance to win. I'd like to see some masculine cards. I really struggle with those.

  6. I really want to learn more techiques and copics. I would love to learn more about coloring with them. Also hand made flowers. Plus I know I can always work on my craft area. Thanks for the chance to win. This is really nice of you. I have really enjoyed your blog and creativity.

  7. Christine, I have been following your blog for a while now. I love your ideas. I have recently purchased the whole set of copics and thought it would be an easy task to blend the way you do on your beautiful projects. I would love to learn more about how to use the copics as well as continue to see new card styles.

    Thank you for all your tips and new ideas. Your blog is wonderful. ~Jody,

  8. I love your blog. You have some great cards and interesting techniques. For next year, I'd love to see more masculine cards. I always struggle when I have a man card to make and I could use the inspiration.

  9. Thank you for the chance to win some blog candy! I appreciate all your beautiful creations ~ have had so much fun watching your work. So hard to come up with suggestions as you cover so much. I think that maybe a personal tip related to how you come up with an idea, or idea for your blog, or just basic tips on projects. I always find these helpful when I go to stamping parties and usually they are the simplest things that can make a huge difference when creating. I would love to see a little tip at the end of each post - it could be from a variety of topics. :) I am not sure if this makes sense or not. lol I am just amazed at all of you that have been blessed to be designers for the different companies but it's hard to know how you got to that point. Any info is helpful!!! Thanks again Christine for your beautiful posts ~ they are most inspiring! Kristen

  10. Thanks for the chance to win. Something I want to focus on is my house--I'd like to work on the design (interior) and pick some colors and a stye that I like. That's a struggle for me.

  11. I'd like to see more masculine card ideas, Copic marker techniques for beginners and maybe what you do in your creative process. What do you do to get started making cards.
    I find myself sitting down sometimes and just wondering what the heck I want to do first. AND...I've been stamping for 15 years nearly.
    Thanks for the chance to win something cool.

    Debbie Reaves

  12. OMG! That is some awesome candy and would love to win! The one thing I have problems with is using lots of different paper on my card. I can pull out three or four matching pattern paper and can never use all of them. I am an "in the box" person and have troble layering different pp. I'm okay with colored cs and one pp but have trouble with lots of pp. I have been following your blog for ages and love it!

  13. Hi Christine, what a fantastic blog and both of you candy raks are to die for, I would love either stamp sets and also the ribbon is gorgeous, I am on a fixed income so winning things really helps me build my creative tools.
    I would like to see prismacolor and OMS techniques, also tips on entering contests and design teams anything that helps make your work stand out, also ribbon techniques and tutorials would be welcome..

  14. love what you do ~ I'm still fairly new to the card making community ~ I'd love to see what you can do with pastels ~ thanks for this opportunity to win! Denise

  15. Yummy candy!
    Would love to win, broke ankle & wrist last week so can't stamp but am loving any inspiration. i love to see creative ideas for embellishments. Also bad week our old dog has cancer.

  16. Oh Goodness...your blog candy is soooo yummy!!!!! Especially the tea set stamps..I am going to have to find that one, would love to win, but if I don't, yep, tea set definitely!..LOL.

    I haven't been following your blog for very long, so I don't know if you have done connection is slow this am, so I was trying to check if you have any tutorials on copics. Your shading and coloring is amazing..would love to see a video of you doing an image. Also interested in what colors are the best to start out with, how you choose your colors, etc.

    I like your creativity with your cards, and would love to know how you arrive to the ideas for your cards, sketches used or not. Love 3D items as well, and as I said..I'm a very visual learner, so would enjoy seeing videos..and if you could get Patter to join in with you! LOL I don't know if she does videos, I just started to follow her blog as well, I know her from, she is another one of my favorite card/scrappers as well!

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some goodies!

    God Bless, and Crafty Hugs!!!

    Lisa Sturgill

  17. I'd love to see step by step tutorials or tips on watercoloring. You show some amazing creations and I really enjoy your blog! Mary R.

  18. oooohhhhh mmmmyyyyyy!!!!!
    what amazing candy!

    i would love to see more home decorating ideas.

    you have given me so much inspriation, thank you!

  19. Hi precious girl. I'm sincerely not in this for the candy... so if you leave my name out, that will be ok. I did want to tell you what you can do... keep on sharing you. That is your most valuable asset. As for me, I am looking for balance in my life. Putting God first helps! I really just wanted to pop in today and let you know how valuable you are. Big hugs!

  20. I must say I totally agree with Holly! I love hearing about YOU, your family, your faith and everyday things. As for stamping, I would love to see some altered items. Maybe gift sets. And what do you do with your finished cards? Do you use all of them, sell them, give them away, hoard them???
    Thanks for the opportunity to win a fabulous prize! Blessings, Stacy

  21. wow what a beautiful candy
    I like the stamps you have
    I don't see that in holland
    I would like too see how you just
    3d technique in your cards
    but I love how you colored your stamps
    sorry but my englisch is not soo good


  22. Wow, what awesome blog candy. I am fairly new to stamps and do not have anything from either one of these companies as of yet!

    I would love to see how you organize your supplies...I have started accumalating a lot of stuff and think I can be more productive with it organized.

    I would also like to see tips on coloring using Copics and how do you decide when your card is finished or what embellishments and colors to use in the design.

  23. I would like to see more posts on using stamping on scrapbook pages. I love the blog candy you are offering.

  24. ( putting first so I don't forget!) Congrats!! What super sweet blog candy. i am seeing some teapot stamps that look pretty neat. I am not sure what else I would like to see on your blog. Your blog is already really great. I get the email updates and check out all the posts. Everything is always so beautiful. I guess I would have to say - Just keep up the good work! And , thanks for sharing your talent with all of us out here in the card making world. Have a great day!

  25. Oh my goodness, are you generous or what, Christine? Hmmm....the only thing I could think off is sharing some tips and tricks of your amazing coloring skills!!! It just blows my mind whenever I see it. You know how to get in touch with me, right ;D;D. Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

    I would like to see some commentary on coloring with other markers besides Copics. I have SU markers. If I had known about Copics I'd have them instead. You know the drill: disabled w/MS, fixed income. But I'm saving towards them.
    You do lovely work, Christine. You're truly blessed.
    Peace. Becky Johnson

  27. I would love to see more Stampin Up projects. I love tutorials and measurements for card layouts (I never know how big to cut the layers).

  28. First of all, I am responsible for lots of your blog hits! Yours is one of my favorite blogs to check out. Could be the name for a starter! I learn so much from thse blogs. But, I have never tried the various stuff to color with - like when would you chose to use Prisma/OMS or whatever they are called vs. Copics. Or even cheaper watercolor pencils vs. the SU crayons. Or, is this just a personal favorite to use? I would love to see more ways to get use out of my punches and stamps. No, I don't have the nessies but regular punches! Recycling objects and altering objects is always fun too. I love the tea stamps in your blog candy so that would be fun to see lots of projects made with them or even coffee stamps. I know you don't want to use a water based ink when watercoloring because it would run but there has to be other little tips to share with us that are just common sense to you but maybe not to us, esp. us novices! I made some paper flowers for my swap and that was fun so I guess I would like to learn how to make more embelishments. Gift card holders are always a welcome idea too. New ways to use what we have - but not sure how you could handle that. Is that enough to think about? Love tutorial videos or step by step directions.

    Thanks for a chance to win - pick me so I would have to buy some Copics to go with the Copic wallet I won....I don't have any yet and that is the plan!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  29. What a lovely prize, I would like to see cards for...the men in our lives and for the kids in our lives. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Rene from OZ xo

  30. Wow..what an awesome giveaway!!! I would love to see more of stamping being incorporated on scrapbook pages. I struggle to use my stamps on anything but a card!

  31. What wonderful candy!

    I would love to see tips on coloring (yours is fabulous) and more 3-d projects like packaging, etc.

    Thank you!


    my email is: elizgmom at yahoo dot com

  32. Some things I would like you to focus on would be storage ideas for inks, spellbinder dies, ribbons, anything crafty. Also, I am always in need of masculine card ideas. Hope that helps!!!

  33. Wow Christine! Awesome candy!!!! Thanks for a chance to win! Love the bird stamp!
    You are such an inspiration - your work is wonderful - I'd like to get into your mind and see how it leads you to the end product! Love all you do! I love techniques and coloring and using DP so .... any help is much appreciated.

  34. I came across your blog while looking for inspiration on SCS. I kept saving your cards in my favorites. So I thought I would check out your blog and I just kept searching your posts. That's great blog candy and I'd love to win. I have become a follower. I would love to see tutorials on Copic coloring and distress ink coloring.

    Thanks for the chance,


  35. Hi Christine:
    Thanks for the chance at your blog candy.
    I just love to see your updates, your cards are so colourful & you colour so well. They are always an inspiration to me & like a breath of sunshine.
    I can't really think of anything special that I would like to see, but maybe as Elaine Wilson said the use of recycling things. I have been tempted on our Ontario group to host a recycling swap to see what everybody comes up with.
    Thanks for all your inspiration and Please keep up the Good Work!

  36. Hi, thanks for the opportunity to win some really neat blog candy. I would like to learn how to blend colored pencils with a blending stump and also more on hos to pick colors for a card.

  37. I love your projects and the blog candy you're offering looks great. I would like to see more boy teen cards, masculine cards and sympathy cards. Hope this is not too much.

    Congratulations on your "hits"!!


  38. oh i've been wanting some flourishes stamp sets. thanks SO MUCH for the chance to win them. And that ODBD is nice too - I don't have that one!

    I'd love to be able to see or read more on how you decide what the final product would be.

    congrats on your hits!!
    p.s. just noticed my WV is: coodos
    as in coo-dos to you for such blog success.

  39. Wow happy spring to you!!! What a wonderful bunch of blog candy.
    This probably sounds boring but I really just like seeing card ideas. I loved the copic tutorial you did on polka dots and such. Oh the longer I think the more I come up with... Becca Feeken just recently did a little set of verses and put then in a box. What an awesome Mother's Day or Christmas gift that would be. So gift ideas are cool too. Man cards.. that's always a stretch for me.
    Thanks for the inspiration you provide!
    Beth Greco

  40. For some tutorials, I am thinking about bow tying, ribbon flowers, and copic coloring/blending. Thanks for the great blog candy, it would be fun to win.

  41. You are the coloring queen! I loved the post you did a while back on three different ways to color up the same image! More posts like that would be fun. Anything on your creative process, particularly on the card layout and color/paper selection would be great. I'm a huge fan and love all your posts, so whatever you do will be wonderful!

  42. Well, it's no surprise that you have so many hits-this is one of my fave blogs! I adore your coloring and would love to see some more advanced coloring tech's from you and also what your secrets are for doing really detailed, small spaces. You are just incredible!

    I have always loved Flourishes-will have to check out their Tues challenges! Congrats and here's to 200,000 more in no time!

  43. Wonderful blog candy and a beautiful card. I would like to see more different card folds. I check your blog every day to see what lovely creations you come up with. Thanks Mary L Schreiber

  44. wonderful blog candy! Your work is amazing I would love to see some tutorials!
    I do cards for challenges often so I would put the stamps in a good use!

  45. Hi Christine! Goodness you are offering such special candy! Have I ever told you I collect tea pots and tea cups? LOL! Anyhoo... I just have to tell you how much I appreciate your sweet Christian spirit and the words of wisdom you have shared. I'd love to hear morre of your ministry and spiritual thoughts along with the inspiring projects you do! I'd also love tutorials on coloring whether water color, or with Prismas or Copics... you always do such a beautiful job with any medium! Thanks you most of all for shining the light of Jesus for all to see!

  46. Nice blog candy.
    I would like to see more posts on 3 D boxes and embellish items.

  47. Happyholly@younolike.comMay 5, 2010 at 4:46 AM

    Love the Blog Candy!!
    I would like to see some masculine cards and learn more about coloring with Copics. Thanks for the chance to win! Thanks for sharing all your great ideas.


  48. Anything Victorian, especially Victorian Christmas; tutorials of any kind. Love your style.

  49. Hi Christine~

    Congratulations on having so many visitors!! Way to go!

    Wow! How fun is this?! 2 prizes? How generous of you. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I think both sets of your candy are wonderful! I'd be happy with either, however, I would love to win the ODBd stamp set. I am thrilled with all of their stamps. I have 2 of their birds, and I would like to have 4 of them by Fall. (I want to make some fantastic coaster sets for gifts--shown by an ODBd sister, around last Christmas.

    One thing I would really love to have you show me/us is how to use ribbon in many different ways, along with what adhesive to use when using them on different products. And, it looks that the winner will have extra ribbon on hand, too!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

  50. Great blog candy! And, I enjoy your blog so much.
    I would like to see some ways to use glimmer mist.
    Also, I would like to see ideas for masculine cards...they're always tough to do.

  51. I am a follower of your blog and really enjoy what you come up with Many thanks for the chance to win this great candy. I would like to see more for men cards- always a problem, especially for a friend who has 7 sons and asks me to make cards for them- I need much more inspiration please.

  52. First of all I wants to congrat you I know you are going to hit the mark. lovely blog goodies also. I would love to win this prize. One of the things I would like is with a lots of new stamper ways to clean your stamp especially the clear stamps also how to store them. When people use the copics marker they just say I color with copic marker instead of giving the number of the copic marker which will help because when I go to buy them from the store I would know which colors to buy, also your experience of items you have tried but didn't work such as markers,ink pads,chalks,color pencils,crayons,water color pencils. What type of card stock is good also that is important they are not all equal.Congrat again hope I win love your prizes and thanks for all you do.

  53. Hello, I'm new to your site, so I should probably read some of your previous posts before I suggest something 'new'. But I'd love some new ideas on using versamark. Many thanks! -Erin,

  54. A nice blog candy offer!! How very generous!
    Two things I'd love to see on your blog...where do you get your inspiration on what colors to use? Do you struggle with that and have to stamp the image three times before you get it right? Or do you get it right the first time?
    And, how do you organize your stamps and inks? Always curious about that when I'm pretty sure the talented cardmakets I visit must be more organized in order to let the creative juices flow. Would love to see some pics!!

  55. Love your blog - I would like to see more posts about new and innovative techniques in papercrafting. I recently saw a card using a split screen method and was blown over by how stunning the effects were. Thanks so much for the chance to win - that bid stamp is fabulous!

  56. Christine, I've always loved your work for Flourishes!! It's fun drooling over your creations. Everything you make is just fantastic. What I'd like to see more of?? I guess it would be altered items and gift items. I would love to be inspired by your work in these areas! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous blog candy packages!!


  57. I would love to see more 3D and altered items, and more gift ideas!! Thanks sooo much!!!

  58. Pretty blog candy!

    I haven't followed your blog very long, but I like your coloring and would like to see more step by steps on that and I'm always curious about how people organize their craft area!

  59. I would love to see an emphasis on "gifty" items. Alterables, boxes/packaging, and how to mix paper patterns without fear and wringing my hands, lol.

    I love your blog and really appreciate all the inspiration. Thank you!!!!

  60. I love all you do, so just keep on showing us your amazing creations with Copics...the more I see, the more I hope to learn...and 3D items are fun to see, all you do...and congrats on your 200,000 hits.....I too love challenges, but have been trying to "wean" myself form them....NOT working, so am back at one to post sometime today, if we ever get enough light to tak pics.....I am a Challenge Addict...I admit it!!! Thanks for the chance....

  61. Great blog, Christine. I'm really enjoying your cards and would like to see some more masculine ones for the men in our lives. I'd also like some step by step lessons on handmade flowers. Thanks for all the inspiration and great candy, too.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!