
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Up to My Eyeballs!

Wow!  I've been up to my eyeballs in work the past 2 weeks.  And while I love what we do, it's left me very weary when it's day and night like that.  So, you can tell from my intermittant posting that it's been crazy here.  And then when you're that tired, sometimes your creative juices disappear, at least that happens with me.  I really wrestled with this card, and I'm still not sure about it.

Colors today at the SCS Color Challenge are Barely Banana, Old Olive and Ballet Blue. 

I thought this beautiful waterlily flower would really work with the yellow, the lilypads in olive, and the *water* in Ballet Blue.  I did an off-set shape with the designer paper inside the Labels 10 shape which I thought would work with the off-center lily. 

Copic colors used: Flourishes Daffodil and a little Buttercup Collections , and Evergreen Collection on the Lily pads.

Ok, time to get supper going.  Thanks for stopping by and your patience during this busy time!


  1. I feel your pain re: being so busy Christine, loud and clear LOL! School Spring Carnival was last Friday so lots of prep and baked three cakes for the cake walk, meetings with Pastors of our church re: some issues I'm not happy with, cooking for the Kids Shine Youth Retreat this weekend with my hubby (80-90 people) and the having to crank out about 300 Mother's day cards for stores, not to mention my before and after school daycare work, being a mom, taxi driving to events, and then Julee goes and has a Verve release so there are sketches and challenges there. Wish I could clone myself right about now LOL!

    Your water lily is beautifully coloured and I love the nestie you framed it with (another one to add to my wish list!), Lovely use of the colour challenge too. Hope your next week slows down a bit so you have more energy and can enjoy some stamping time :D

  2. AWWW Christine this is soooo totally GORGEOUS!!! I LOVE this design and that image!!!! I soooo know the busy feeling gf...So sorry I haven't been over more, I miss you work gf!!! Hugs, Have a great night!

  3. Don't be crazy...this card is AWESOME!! Such pretty coloring and a great layout and papers!!

  4. Yes, I'm that way too....lack of sleep and too much on my mind messes with my creativity FOR SURE! I think your card is lovely regardless....definitely doesn't look like you were wrestling with it.

  5. I hope things ease up for you... hang in there girlie! I think you picked just the right stamp set to try to bring on that peaceful easy feeling! This is a true beauty!!!

  6. Hi Christine~

    A prayer for you...
    "Dear Lord, Father,please help Christine during this time. She is so busy with things to do, she isn't seeing too much joy right now. Lord, please wrap your ever-lasting arms around her, and give her peace and rest. Father, I ask that when she awakens she will have clarity for what she needs to complete, and how to do it with a joyful song on her mind.
    I thank you Lord, Jesus for being with Christine, and helping in a way that no one else can. In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

    Christine, what a wonderful card! I love your coloring! I love your attention to detail. Beautiful!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

    Believe that it will be done, for it is because of our faith that we are healed. :)

  7. Christine this is gorgeous my friend!!! If your mojo is lacking I sure can't see it here!!! This is gorgeous! Love the yellow lily and the label you used... the layout is great! I hope your busy schedule settles down quickly so you can get some rest and relaxation!! Hugs!

  8. This is GORGEOUS Christine! You really made these colors ROCK together! I totally hear you with being busy and losing mojo...that's my life in a nutshell these days!!!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!