
Thursday, February 4, 2010

What's Your Cup of Tea?

Well, my sweet friend Julie has issued us Flourishes girls a fun Pre-Release Challenge next week you get to see the fabulous February Sneak Peek releases!  So our theme today is "What's Your Cup of Tea?" here's the explaination..

"Let's be inspired by the containers of some of our favorite kinds of beverages! Can't live without your daily grind or brew? Look at the label and be inspired by the color or layout of the package. Crave your daily Diet Coke? Use silver and red as a color challenge for your card! The sky is the limit with this challenge - so grab your favorite drink and let that creativity flow!"

What's funny about this - is that if you know me, you'd be expecting something red and white, because my absolute favourite drink in the WORLD is Coca-Cola ...sigh...what a dreamy drink...I can just imagine it's cool sweetness and bite running down my throat right now...

Whoa...ok back to reality.  As of January 1st, my sweet husband has given up pop or soda for a year.  And to support him, I've said I'll give up pop for 4 months, to start with, if I can do that I'll commit to longer.  SO, it's water for me, and if it's really a special occassion, I'll have water with lemon.  :)

So here's Water with Lemon

I went really soft and pastel with this watercoloring of this beautiful Life Love and Lemon's set , totally inspired by the gorgeous Lily Kate Basic Grey Paper.  I used my Labels One Nestie and a tiny bit of out of the box technique with the leaves.  I tried to give you the feeling of water in the background by washing in some very soft Bashful Blue. 

I overstamped the sentiment with one of the solid stamps from the set and added gingham ribbon and pearls and some piercing as accents, as well as a bit of fancy piercing, and a fancy Shapeabilities as the crowning touch. 

Cool and refreshing :)  And no calories!  You'll want to stop by the Design Teams' Blogs today to see their Beverage inspired creations!  Julie KoerberLaura Fredrickson, Latisha Yoast, Leslie Miller, Stacy Morgan.

So join us!  With our sneak peeks and February Release just around the corner, how would you like to win all 3 new sets in the this release?? Join us for our "What's Your Cup of Tea?" Challenge!  Deadline:  You can play until Friday February 12th at 5 PM Eastern and be sure to click on the Flourishes Newsletter to link up your creation to Mr. Linky! If you upload to SCS, please use the keyword: FLLCFEB10

Recipe:  Stamps:  Flourishes Life, Love and Lemons;  Ink:  Stazon Black, Barely Banana;  Paper:  Bashful Blue, Certainly Celery, Barely Banana, Flourishes European Watercolor paper;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Labels One Nestabilties, Circle Punch, Floral Accent Shapeabilities, Scallop Trim Border punch, Gingham ribbon, Basic Grey 1/2 Pearls, SU Stampin' Write Markers, Aqua Painter, Dimensionals, Martha Stewart Rings Corner Punch, Ornare Piercer, Ecstacy Piercing Template.


  1. What gorgeous watercoloring. I've always loved the colors in the Lily Kate collection and they work so well here! TFS!

  2. I think your card is dreamy... forget the Coke! ;-) I just love the way you pulled all these fabulous colors together and accented it all with your beautiful watercoloring! (click) cheers to you! :-)

  3. So pretty, you know Lily Kate is one of my favorite lines...I'm still hoarding some for scrapbook pages lol

  4. beautiful card. Love the coloring

  5. This is so fresh and pretty! I like the lemon water feel to this, its really perfect Christine. Now on to the crazy notion that your DH has. WHAT... give it up for a year??? Now that its crazy. I don't drink a lot of pop myself mostly when we go out to dinner or even a Super Bowl party hee hee But a whole year... I don't think I could do that and I don't drink it much at all. I do like ( I giggled when I read this) that you will give it up for 4 months. LOL Now that is dedication on your part. I think it will feel like a year for you. :0) Enough babbling from me now... hee hee

  6. Fabulous colouring, and lovely card colours. I LOVE drinking water and a squirt of lemon in it is delicious.

    Good for your hubby (and you for sacrificial support of his decision). I'm not a pop drinker, have never really liked the stuff -- okay, I can hear you gasping from here LOL! I have "weaned" my hubby waaaaay down on his pop drinking (Coke is his fave too) due to all the empty calories and way it plays with your insulin levels - mean wife that I am LOL! Congratulate your hubby for me, and if you miss the fizz part, try some sparkling water with lemon in it - it's delightful.

  7. Wow, girl, this is FABULOUS!!! Good choice of drink me some water with lemon! ;)

  8. Oooooh, I love water with lemon, too! Your Lily Kate is a perfect fit for the lemons. Everything about your card is so special and pretty with, of course, your divine watercoloring. Good luck with the Coke-free 4 months!

  9. Beautiful, Christine! Love this image! Beautifully done!

  10. This is stunning Christine!! Love your soft colors and water coloring!! I have always loved the colors in Lily Kate! Gorgeous layout!! Gorgeous creation!

  11. Gorgeous Christine! Fabulous colouring and beautiful card! Makes me want a glass of lemonade now!

  12. LOOOOOVE this color combo! Gorgeous!

  13. Your lemons look wonderful, and your card is so soft and pretty! Beautiful card, Christine!!

  14. You have such an eye for color Christine! Love this card. As always, your coloring is fabulous!

  15. Oh, Christine, I can sympathize with you giving up your favorite soft drink! Well, I enjoy a cool cup of water with a lemon slice also...and this card is like a cool cup of water, so refreshing and bright! Thamks for sharing!

  16. Wow the coloring on your lemons is wonderful and the beautiful dp and details are really fabulous!!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!