
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

His Eye on the Sparrow

Well, today is a fun day because at the Our Daily Bread Designs Blog you get to spend a little Time With ...ME :)  And I'm going to show you a sneak peek of a set being released in February!

This is what I created for today and it's very much a card with a story, so read on if you like :)

There was a time about 5 and 1/2 years ago that my husband and I were on a Staff Retreat at a camp on an Island, called Keats Island off the coast of Vancouver, BC.  It's a beautiful place, you can only get there by boat, and it's right on the Pacific Ocean.  An amazing location with luscious scenery. 

For us it was a very important time, we had only a few months previous, left our jobs at another place.  They were jobs that paid the bills and kept us "secure", but the working environment was very toxic, emotionally and physically.  And we were still very bruised...I've alluded to this time in our lives before if you've been with me for a while. 

But since that time, we had been hired "Interim" at our church to work with Student Ministries:   Junior High, High School and College Age kids, and really sensed this was a renewed calling in our lives, we loved these kids we were working with.  And we were on the retreat with this staff at our church (all wonderful people).  During this retreat we had a talk with our Executive Pastor and Senior Pastor and they offered us the permanent postion to work together as Pastors of Student Ministries at the Church, so in that we were thrilled, but the offer came with a significant cut in pay from where we were at before.  So much so that we just weren't sure we could survive on it.  We just didn't know what we should or could do.  

There was one afternoon after we found this out, where my husband and I sat on the patio of the retreat center, in a big Adirondack chair looking out at the ocean, sitting under the overhang of the building.   We spent a long time there, well over an hour, talking about the job offer, talking about how on earth we could make it financially, still feeling bruised over our last job, trying to seek what God wanted us to do, was this really where we were supposed to be?  Feeling fear for our family, thinking about our 3 kids, feeling such uncertainty.  We just didn't know what to do.  We cried we prayed....and after a while I sensed something above me.  I looked up into the rafters of the building's overhang, and saw a sparrow up there, "sitting with us".  That little bird was there the whole time, and it was still.  And it stayed there the entire time we talked.  And the song just swept over me "His Eye is on the Sparrow.....and I know He watches over me"...and the verse from Matthew came into our heads and we knew that we too could say "So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:31).

We really knew in that moment that God had sent that sparrow to remind us of His truth.  We knew that God would care for us, and we knew what decision He was leading us to. It was a profound moment for us.   We accepted the positions for us, and God has abundantly taken care of us these past 5 1/2 years.  I can't imagine my life any other way.  This is where we are supposed to be.  I won't say it's always been easy, but I know for certain that He watches over us.  And we feel very blessed.

So today, if you find yourself at the end of your own rope - I would encourage you to take a step of faith toward a God who loves you and desires to show you how precious you are to Him as He takes care of you. 

So, today I'm giving this card to another young couple, just starting out in their marriage and ministry - not sure where God is leading them, feeling like they have more questions than answers, I hope it will be an encouragement to them as it was to us.

Thanks for stopping by friends!

Recipe:  Stamps:  Our Daily Bread Designs - He Watches Me;  Ink;  Memento Tuxedo Black, Rich Razzleberry ;  Paper:  Rich Razzleberry, Basic Black, Flourishes Classic Ivory, SEI Juliette Velvet Paper, SU - Lovely Flowers DSP;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Labels 2 and 3 Nestabilities, Scallop Edge Punch, Stitched Satin Ribbon, Basic Grey 1/2 Pearls, Prismacolor Pencils, Blending Stump, Sponge, Martha Stewart Rings Corner and Border Punch, Dimensionals.


  1. This is stunning Christine!! I just love your colors and all the elegance!

  2. Stunning card Christine!! I love the elegant paper and your gorgeous coloring. Love your choice of colors and the sponging in the background. The card is even more beautiful after reading your story. What a treasure to know God is guiding you!

  3. Gorgeous card Christine!! LOVE LOVE the colors and the sponging and that gorgeous image!

  4. Oooh such beautiful shading and FAB coloring!!!! SO perfect for that SEI DP from Kelley! Great job on this set GF!!!! :) YOU ROCK!!!!

  5. Dear Christine,

    Whenever I see a sparrow I think of Matthew Chapter 6 with all of the "do not worries." That chapter contains many favorite verses, and has helped me through so many challenges in life.

    Your beautifully colored interpretation is fabulous! Purple is the color of His Majesty! And, this wonderful piece shouts "MAJESTY." Thank you for sharing your story along with your talent!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

  6. Christine,
    Just avoiding work and thought I'd pay a long overdue visit to your blog. Where do you find the time? Thanks for sharing your personal stories...I'm sure they encourage many who stop by! Have a great day and see you soon!

  7. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story of how God lead you and has provided for you as you took a step of faith and obedience to His leading in your life :D

    I jumped for joy when you mentioned Keats because I went to camp there for 8 summers and a counselor there for a few weeks every summer for three years thereafter. I also committed my life to Christ at that camp when I was 11 so it holds a very special place in my heart! So many wonderful little spots on that Island! Love Highest Peak, Salmon Rock, the Crow's Nest, jumping off the Government Wharf, playing four square in the Wheelhouse, using the Hobart to do the dishes, seeing the deer come out into the meadows in the evening etc. Yes, many wonderful memories of that place and that was BEFORE they had bathrooms and heaters in the cabins (used to have to hike out to "the heads" on the outskirts of the green central field to get to a bathroom and you had to beware of the sprinklers that came on at night (I got hit once LOL) and/or dodge them when at night LOL!) I know exactly the place you were sitting too :D Thanks for the memories!!

    Fabulous card. Love the sponging of the image and how you have it darker in the two corners. Lovely colours, card and story!

  8. Beautiful card, Christine! And I love your story. Been there. Live it everyday. As much of the independant side of me is frustrated that I don't have more control or ability to "store" up worldly things (perceived security), it is a blessed place to be when you know that your needs are taken care of. Our lives are such a testament that God does not work in ways we can always understand but the point is He IS working!

  9. Gorgeous card and a beautiful story to go along with it. I'm glad He is working in your life!

  10. Christine ~ Your card is stunning...the story even more so. I have always felt that worrying about the future is not what we should do, but it is so much easier said than done. This is a wonderful story and I am sure you are right...He was there!! Thank you so much for sharing...sometimes we all need a reminder like this...Prayers coming your way!!

  11. That's a beautiful and moving story, Christine. Your card is a show stopper, but with true meaning from the heart. Very nice. Thank you for sharing both.

  12. Christine, this is absolutely stunning! Love the velvet SEI paper you used and how you worked the rich plum tone onto the entire card!!!

  13. What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing this sensitive yet overcoming time in your life!

    Have a blessed day,

  14. Incredibly beautiful Christine, as is your card! Thank you for sharing your loving spirit. You're a blessing to us all.

  15. Christine, Thanks for sharing your love of God and His love for you--for all of us! I have been there--bruised by people and situations we were sent to minister to/in. God IS faithful and heals and wraps His arms around us and cares for us. What a beautiful story of His sending that sparrow to remind you of His promises. I'm glad you "heard" and "listened."

  16. What a beautiful card and inspiring story, thank you for sharing. I love the song His eye is on the sparrow, again this is a beautiful card.

  17. Your card is stunning, and your story gave me chills and tears at the same time. Bless you and your family, Christine!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Christine, I love, love, love your card......did I say I love your card. It is a stunning work of art. The story t go with it is amazing. We are asked to trust in the Lord. When we do our lives become amazingly peaceful. We can accept what ever is thrown at us because we know if we trust in him we will make it through every trial.

    Thank you for sharing your creations and talents with us. Congratulations for being involved with a great company. I am a big fan of ODB both product wise and ownership wise.

  20. Beautiful card (love the rich razzleberry & black) and a lovely story!

  21. What a beautiful card w/such an uplifting message! Thanks for sharing your testimony how God has worked in the life of your family!

  22. Christine, you are so incredibly thoughtful and listening to your story literally brought tears to my eyes. Isn't it wonderful when we can connect the dots and see God working and moving through our lives? What a true blessing!

  23. This is just beautiful, Christine! I love the colors. Your story is so inspiring and I loved reading it.

  24. Christine - what a wonderful story you've told to go with this card, you can see why this set touched your heart!!! Another truly gorgeous creation by you!!!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!