
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

She's 13

Today is another Dirty Dozen and Alumni Challenge ...but before I get to the card.  It's a big day, and I just found that I have a lot to say about it.  Feel free to pass by my Mom story to the card if you need to :)

Today is our daughters' 13th Birthday.  Today at 6:20 AM she becomes a teenager.  We threatened to wake her to celebrate LOL!  I just can't believe it's been 13 years.   I had the shocking realization the other day that we probably only have about 5 more years with her at home.  And that realization really hit me.  Normally I'm not the kind of Mom that get's too wistful about passages.  Generally I just feel excited to enter into whatever is next for my kids, excited for them, and excited for us.  And yet today I find myself quite wistful about this passage. 

Where did 13 years go?  She is our eldest...the firstborn, the kid that broke us in as parents :)  There were times when it was a major breaking us in (I mean seriously 10 ear infections in her first 18 months???) and yet there have been many other times where she's let us off SO easy compared to her brothers.  She is an amazing young woman already.  Just an inch away from me in height, with bigger feet than me already.  Incredible intelligence.  True compassion for others, and an authentic walk with God.  Willing to help (most of the time!).  And much of the time really fun to be with :)

But just 5 short years till she's 18...if these past 13 years have flown by, oh my, where will the next 5 go?  Will I have taught her enough?  Will we have prepared her for the world she will enter?  Will she value the things that are most important?  Can I hand over the car keys to her in 3 years?  Is she ready for how to handle heartache and is she ready for how to manage celebration?  Can I teach her to love freely but to guard her heart?  That beauty comes most from the beautiful spirit God has given her inside, not outside.  Will she know that receiving really comes most profoundly from giving? 

...oh so much in store these next 5 years.  I'm so glad that God gave me this little glimpse into how short the time is - so I can appreciate it more, and so I can make the most of it.  It is our joy to be her parents.

Alright - what did I create for this brand-new Teen today? 

Well in our DD/DDA Challenge Jodi challenged us to use Paper Piecing and Fall or Christmas colors. 

I paper pieced this young lady to an inch of her life!  Her blouse, dress, shoes (yes those teeny tiny shoes!) and her shopping bags are paper pieced individually with different selections from the Indian Summer Basic Grey pack.  I colored her skin and hair with copics.   I really wanted the sentiment to run vertically so I used my computer to design a little Teenager sentiment and put it into the Fancy Label. 

Some gems and pearls and some gorgeous Satin ribbon seem to give it that grown up feel too. 

Be sure to check out the other DD/DDA Girls creations with the keywords DCPOM1009 on Splitcoaststampers! 

Recipe:  Stamps:  Flourishes Gigi and Chloe;  Ink:  Momento Tuxedo Black;  Paper:  Melon Mambo, Chocolate Chip, Dusty Durango, Flourishes Classic White, Basic Grey Indian Summer DSP;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Labels 6 Nestabilities, K & C Gems, Kaiser Pearls, Fancy Labels Nestabilities, Copic Markers, Scallop Punch, Piercer, May Arts Satin (Chocolate).


  1. Beautiful card for your beautiful teen! She sounds like she has it altogether! Great job mom!

  2. Awww what a sweet story...happy bday to your sweet DD! I know-it's crazy how fast they grow up-I just blogged about my own DD today and it just goes TOO fast! Your card is too sweet-I'm sure she loved it! Hope she (and you!) have a wonderful day!

  3. Happy Birthday Miss Em!!!! :-) Gosh, I am going to go through all you are today with Cal in just 5 months! EEK! I don't know if I am ready for a teenager. Can we trade? LOL! Have fun with your girl today. You made her an absolutely darling card -- that print it just too fun!

  4. Happy Birthday to your daughter, Christine! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story...and your card is beautiful!! Wonderful piecing!!

  5. This is adorable, your DD is going to love it. Great paper choices of paper.
    Okay now you made me cry with your write up. I am one who takes each stage or passage with a lot of heart and I think about it a lot. This made me think a lot of the boys and they are only 8. You have an advantage with having other little ones with different ages. I will be going through all this at once, with nothing afterwards. haha Anyways... You are doing a wonderful job, she sounds like a beautiful young woman. Big hugs and tell DD Happy Birthday!

  6. This is beautiful Christine...your DD will absolutely love it!!! I hope she has a GREAT bday!

  7. Our oldest, Joshua, turned 13 in June. Just this week in church I had one of those moments where I realized he is growing up and it freaked me out, lol. He does the power point for service and he and Greg were sitting next to each other and I noticed for the first time that his head is bigger than DH's and so is his neck. They no longer looked like dad and "little" son. Oh how I wanted to shrink him down in that moment!And you are right, the next 5 years will fly by so we need to cherish every moment. {{hugs}} to you and {{sweet wishes}} to your "little" girl!

  8. Creative artwork! Happy 13th Birthday to your daughter!! You're a good Mom raising your child in the Lord!

  9. Congratulations to Emily. I still remember when she was only 1 and 1/2 or 2 and she told me how "hilarious" something was. Always been such a grown up lady and yet such a beautiful child. You have both done such an amazing job at raising your children. Congratulations on this whole new phase of parenting. Oh... and the card is superb. Looks like an outfit that she would wear. :-)

  10. The thing that really bothers me the most about the children growing up is, that we also have grown and given so much of ourselves into being good parents! I do hope there is still some left after they have gone on their adventures in life!

  11. God bless you all!
    Time goes by so quickly. My baby just turned 30. I just want to hold her tight and not let her grow up.

  12. Just quit worrying and enjoy the time you have left. Soon the world and it's demands will intrude on your haven and those wonderful times will become farther apart! Your daughter will be fine but I worry about her Mom! Sounds to me like you have finished the hard work of raising a super child so just have fun with the time to come! Happy Birthday! My daughter just turned 40 this year! I miss those times together!

  13. Christine your card is awesome girl. I just took my daughter out for lunch on Tuesday to celebrate her 23rd birthday. Your right, the time flies by so fast and they grow up so fast. Cherish the moments you have now!

  14. This is wonderful! I love your teenager card and the touching story behind it. I remember when my DD turned 13. It goes so fast!

  15. Oh my Christine, this is so adorable. Happy Birthday Emily!!! I wish I could tell you that the next five years will go by slowly and that it will seem like forever before she's grown . . . alas, that's NOT the case. This is Stephen's second year away from home. He loves Nashville and is thriving at school. Knowing that he's growing into a self-sufficient young man and that he's happy makes it easier. I still have a little less than two years with Daniel. When he's gone, I have a feeling I'll be traveling a lot . . . LOL!

  16. Yup, it all goes by so fast, just enjoy every stage. It's all a gift, that's for sure.

    The card is cute, looks perfect for a young teen!

  17. I am a little wistful just reading your story, as a mom of 2 daughters both flown the coop as of last year, believe me the years pass too quickly. Happy Birthday to your daughter, and to you too!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!