
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Blog Candy Winner!

First off I have to say thank you everyone!  Reading about your milestones and celebrations was such an encouragment to me!  Really if you have time, go through the post again and read some of the great things that really matter - things worth celebrating:  healthy marriages and anniversaries, children's or grandchildren's birthdays or graduations, being cancer free (woo hoo!  We celebrate it too!), losing weight (congratulations!), quitting smoking (so proud of you)!  Oh the list was so great to read!  Big or small milestones thanks so much for sharing them with me....

And now for our winner picked   Result: 53

Which is  Melissa Sauls!!!! 

who said... 

"Congratulations on your milestone! I'll actually be celebrating a milestone this coming first year of blogging! I can't believe it has been a year! It really feels like I just started blogging yesterday, lol. I doubt my blog candy will be as fabulous as yours! Thanks so much for sharing!"

So Melissa, email me (listed under my profile picture) within the next 48 hours to pick your extras.  If I do not hear from Melissa I'll pick a new winner Monday!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  I think I need to do some yardwork this afternoon.  :)

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Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!