
Friday, June 26, 2009

So Proud!

Of my beloved. This is what he's doing today (Saturday) and tomorrow - riding his bike in the Ride to Conquer Cancer . It is a major fundraiser for Cancer research and support for the two main Cancer Treatment Centers in our province. The ride is about 200+ km long (I think that's about 150 miles?).

Why is he doing this? Because he is a two-time survivor of cancer. And he wants to make a difference. Two years ago was his second bout with cancer, and he was treated at an amazing facility - The Cross Cancer Institute. We feel incredibly blessed that he is in remission and that God has brought healing to him.

I'm proud of my husband because he is a hero to me. He is a leader, he is a fighter, and he has such deep compassion. He's the kind of person who doesn't sit on the sidelines, he gets in and makes a difference. And I see him making a difference every day.

This was a news story done on him in one of our local newspapers yesterday (isn't he cute in his riding jersey? hee hee). (here's the link but you'll have to sign in to see the Friday edition - page 3).

If you're interested...Here is a link to his home page for the Ride. He's raised over $3000 for research and treatment! I'm so proud of him as that was his goal. He'll be riding with over 1000 other riders (including one of his best friends, and another friend) along the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains.

My prayers are with you my love!

ETA I just talked to my husband tonight, he's half way through the ride and it was a grueling day with a lot of up-hill climbing...but after almost 6 hours of riding today, he and the 1742 riders have the second half tomorrow. Together they have raised 6.9 million dollars! Isn't that amazing!


  1. Wow, that is quite an undertaking but....he has the best rider right beside him.........J E S U S!

  2. Go Lance, I mean Terry!!! Our prayers are with him this weekend!

  3. Christine, thank you for sharing this. It blessed my heart. What an amazing family you are!
    God bless you and your husband as he rides for a cure.
    from a stamping friend,

  4. Christine, I'm praying for Terry and wishing him the very best during his ride!

  5. Wow, what an inspiration! I hope he does well, and I echo Mochamama---he has Jesus by his side!

  6. What an awesome team you and your DH make Christine!! It's obvious you both are a great support for each other. What a wonderful contribution you guys are making with this ride!! God bless the both of you!!

  7. WOW 160 miles & a two time cancer survivor!! Both are a miracle in my book!! God is good!

  8. That truly IS amazing! How proud you must be...and for such good reason!

  9. God bless you and your husband, Christine! You both are an inspiration!

  10. So inspiring! Thank you for sharing his story. What a feat -- Way to go!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!