
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blog Candy Time!

It's my One-year Blog-a-Versary next week, and I want to celebrate with you! It's my way of saying thank you for coming by this little blog and seeing what I've been up to creatively, for your kind comments and notes. It's been a fun year!

So, I've been collecting a little of this and that in preparation for this wonderful occasion! Some of it is BRAND SPANKIN NEW and just for you. Some things (which I'll tell you about) I've used one or two items from it and realized, it could have a better home elsewhere.


from my stash of Stampin' Up!

Stamp Set - God's Beauty
Stamp Set - Best Yet
Ribbon Bundle in Saffron and Celery
Prints Pack of 6 x 6 papers
Creamy Caramel Classic Ink Pad
More Mustard Classic Ink Pad
Love and Happiness Rub On's
2 packs 8 1/2 x 11 Cool Carribean Paper
Fresh Cuts Notes
Long Envelopes
Saddle Stitch Book Kit in Chocolate, Kraft, Mellow Moss and Always Artichoke
Boxes and Tag Purse in Soft Subtles
Vellum Tags (opened - 4 full sheets)
Wintergreen DSP
some twill tape (a couple of yards)
numerous metal edge tags in silver, gold and copper (so cute but I never use them!)
Classy Brass Template (Squares and Minis) (gently used)
Whisper White and Real Red 3 x 3 notecards and envelopes

From my stash of other companies:

Avery Shipping Tags (I used a few of these for a project)
Paper Crafts sticker sheet
Sandylion Pirate Epoxy Stickers
K & Co Epoxy Stickers (studio k and roam)
Scenic Route Chipboard letters
Prima Leaves (I used 2 of them)

All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and tell me what you'd like to see featured here in the next year! Deadline is Sunday the 28th at 11:00 pm Mountain Time, I'll draw a number from then and post the winner.

The box is packed and ready to ship on Monday the 29th! I'll send to anywhere in Canada or the USA.


  1. Well, I guess I am the first to leave a comment! :) Thanks for the great blog candy! The only thing I really want to see in the next year is all of your wonderful cards and projects! I love the inspiration! Thanks again!

  2. I like the nice and easy cards. After working all day, I really don't have a lot of time to "rack my brain" for a card.



  3. I always check out your blog first thing in the morning to see what beautiful things you have made for the past day. Your cards are so pretty - thanks for all the ideas!


  4. I need lessons on combining colors, scrapbook pages, and figuring out the sizes to cut when I try to CASE a card or page. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Happy blog anniversary! I love your cards, they are beautifully colored.
    I'd like to see some tutorials.

  6. Hi. I am new to stamping so I need to see everything and anything! Jane

  7. What wonderful blog candy! I look at your website for lots of reasons, but mostly I'm trying to figure out how to layer! Thanks for all the great card ideas.

  8. Wow, what a generous prize-pack! I would like to see Christmas cards snuck in throughout the year. Some inspiration so they're not put off until fall.

  9. Fantastic blog candy! I'd love to see the use of vintage laces featured. I have such a collection of really lovely old laces and just can't seem to be able to incorporate them into my cards.. Many thanks for all the sharing you do on your blog!!

  10. Happy Blogiversary!!! Thanks for being so generous with the candy! I would like to see more techniques. I'm a technique 'hoarder'. I love learning new techniques. They make stamping so much fun for me. Cathy

  11. Love your art and your sweet spirit. I enjoy more of your Stampin! Up cards because most of my supplies are SU. Like Emilia I would like to see some tutorials.

  12. I just recently found your blog and love coming here to see your wonderful creations. A couple of times I have asked myself "how did she do that" so I guess I am in the tutorials group. Thanks for the opportunity to win such awesome blog candy!

  13. I love your blog! I check it daily. Your style is so elegant. Yet you make it so any one can make the cards you do, with a little practice. If you could do video tutorials?!? Lot of work I know... but you would have a huge following! Happy Anniversary and thanks for the blog candy!!! Cindy

  14. Like everyone else, HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY! I to am someone that visits your site each morning. Just yesterday, I was looking through Splitcoast Stampers Fifth Avenue Floral for some inspiration and wouldn't you know, that several of the cards I looked at were by you! I knew I made your blog a favorite for a reason . . . As for what to see in the future, I am certain that what you come up with will be good!

  15. I'd love to see tutorials about changing your style and moving outside the box--in other words trying new things. Any suggestions for us?

    Congrats on your anniversary.

  16. Wow! What a stash of goodies! I really enjoy your blog. Your work is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to see what you come up with using the new In Colors from Stampin Up. I'm having a hard time envisioning what I would do with them.

  17. Happy 1 year anniversary for your blog! I just want you to keep doing what you are doing...showing us your incredibly beautiful creations and letting us learn and be inspired from what you know or what you share as you try new things!

  18. Congratulations! What a great candy give-a-way! I love to see all your creations! I like when you take a project - show it plain and then change it to make it more 'WoW' like you did with SU regional card - would love to see more of that.

  19. Congrats on the one year! I really love your use of color on your cards and projects. In the next year I would love to see more of exactly what you are doing, maybe with a few more 3-d projects or items thrown in, but I love what you are already doing.

  20. Happy Blog Anniversary! I'm a recent subscriber -- I was blown away by your cards, especially the SU ones, since most of my supplies are SU, but I am branching out! I love to see how you use colors and embellishments. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

  21. Congratulations on your anniversary for your always have some wonderful inspiration waiting for me. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. I would love to see more tutorials, I love seeing them :) I love your blog and your cards, happy anniversary!

  23. Congrats on the 1 year! I just finished up mine. Girl that is one happy set of blog candy! Hugs to you and here's to another great year.

  24. Wonderful Blog! In the next year, I'd like to what you come up with all the new Stampin' Up goodies!

    Congrats on your blogaversary!


  25. Wow, what great blog candy. Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary. I love all your projects and the inspiration. I would like to see more scrapbook pages. I love making cards for people, but my favorite is making scrapbook pages. Thanks and have a blessed day.

  26. Happy Blogiversary! I am new to your blog and one of the reasons why I joined is because of your style, it's unique. I like your color combinations and layering, it's different from the usual and really inspiring. Maybe you could add some video tutorials, but please do not change anything else!! Thanks for the motivation.


  27. Christine I check your blog every day. So many beautiful cards. Where does your inspiration come from? I would like to see more easy cards that can be made in 10 or 15 minutes. Thanks, Mary L Schreiber

  28. Congrats on your one year anniversary! I'm always looking for coloring tips & techniques. I really love your style!

  29. I love your blog! All of your artistic creations are so beautiful and inspirational. I would love to see more of the same and some tutorials as well because I always love to learn new things! Thanks for the chance to win the awesome blog candy!

  30. Hi Christine,

    Thanks for all the blog candy. You have some beautifully creative ideas! I love to see all your cards and projects. Happy anniversary! I come to your blog for inspiration. Keep up the beautiful work!!

  31. Congrats on your blogaversary.
    The blog candy looks awsome.


  32. Happy anniversary! Your cards are always beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration. I would be happy with more of what you have been doing.

  33. I would like to see some masculine cards besides boats and light houses.
    Marian Bonney

  34. I really like visiting your blog for projects. I enjoy the mostly or totally SU projects the most, so I guess I'd like to see more of them. But I always enjoy what you post and try to figure out ways to adapt the project into a totally SU design.

    Thanks for offering such great blog candy, and congrats on a year of blogging!

  35. I just found your blog and am so liking it. Many times, I found myself how to layer the cards. So I would like to see more of that. Thanks for the inspiration.

  36. Christine,

    CONGRATS on your one year blogaversary!! I have been following your blog since you started and I XOXOX your stampin' style!!

    Thanks for the op to win some YUMMY blog candy and CHEERS to many more happy years of blogging!

    Char in So Cal
    {scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}

  37. Debarrand@roadrunner.comJune 23, 2009 at 7:13 PM

    Love your blog. I love tutorials on anything with bright colours. Copics, Derwent Intense pencils, prismacolour and Gamsol I love to see flowers pop off the page

  38. Wow! That is some generous blog candy! I have recently discovered your blog (after Dawn and Laura mentioned you were at the Edmonton regionals) and have since been checking it daily. Your work is absolutely stunning and inspiring so as for what I'd like to see in the next year - more cards and projects to inspire me!

    Congratulations on the blogaversary!

  39. Happy Blog Anniversary to you! I can't wait to see what you do in the next year. Your blog is already fabulous. I love your cards. I'd like to see tutorials.

  40. Hi Christine! Just found your blog while surfing around. Happy blogaversary!!! Your stuff is amazing... well the stuff i've seen so far but i'm sure the rest is just as good if not better ;) I'm not sure what i'd like to see next year as i'm new to your blog but I love seeing tutorials showing your techniques or maybe even some videos. Hope that helps a bit. Good luck with year 2 and keep up the amazing work =)

  41. I enjoy your blog. It is always full of beautiful artwork. I particularly love your cards with Flourishes stamps.
    Katie K

  42. I love what you are posting...just keep it up. You're so talented and generous.


  43. Woohoo, congrats on your blogaversary! I really don't have any requests, just keep all the lovely creations coming. I love hearing all about you & your life!!! Thanks for blessings us with your talent, creativity and generosity! That is SOME blog candy!

  44. Happy Blogaversary Christine!!!!
    I recently found your blog and i love your cards. I am a visual person, so i think i fall into the tutorial category. Thanks for sharing your talent!!


  45. wow...congrats on your year!
    you are quite the inspiration, your artwork is really amazing.
    thanks for the blog candy opportunity.
    What i would like to see more of is different ways to use product. So that could mean techniques or various ways to use different products from glitter to diamond glazes to whatever your creative mind comes up with.

    thank you and take care

  46. Thanks for the chance to win some Blog Candy!!! I like quick and easy cards but with lots of color. THanks for doing a great job! I enjoy your blog! Have a great day!

  47. I love visiting your blog, you use so much color, and I love the colors!! thanks soooo much for your blog!! I love it!

  48. mmmmthis is some real tasty looking candy...and all fat-free.
    What more could a girl ask for!!!
    I´d love to see you pick a technique and make projects using that us how you developed the technique and then what you made using the technique.

  49. Oh wow - 1 year and you have done a fabulous job creating a fun blog! I love all your cards and I love it when you throw in bits about your family. It really helps me to connect and realize that I too can take the time for my crafts and also take care of my family. So, tips on how to arrange the day to fit in crafting would be something I would addition to keeping all the beautiful cards coming. God Bless!

  50. Hi: I would love to see you offer sketches! I am at a loss on sketches and need all the help I can get! Thanks for sharing your talent! -Mary R.

  51. I really enjoy seeing all of your creations and check your blog daily for new entries. Congrats on your Blog-a-versary. Ann Lind

  52. CONGRATULATIONS! Your blog is such an inspiring and fun place to be! You have a way of making me think outside-the box! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!

    I would SOOO love to see more details on your watercoloring technique! You seem to be the master at this!

    Thank you for offering such a generous jackpot! WHAAA HOOO!

  53. Happy Blogerverary! Enjoy my visit every time here, especially SU creations. Love inspiration with Spellbinders and Copics products. Keep up the good work and thans for sharing!

  54. I would like to see more baby and children cards made easy.
    Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy, it's very generous of you to part with all that great stuff!

    Linda H
    Sacramento, CA

  55. My favorite things are your SU cards and creations. I'd love to see any tutorials and techniques that you have. I love all of your projects.

  56. I love your blog - I read it everyday!!! I love seeing your cards so keep that coming!

  57. Your blog is FABULOUS! I love coming here to see what gorgeous projects you have dreamed up.
    Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful blog candy!
    More tutorials would be great.

  58. Happy Blogaversary!!!!!!

    What an awesome givaway!!!

  59. Forgot to add what I would like to see!!! Tutorials....lovem!

  60. Wow! look at all that candy! Happy Blogaversary!
    I am color challenged! I have all the Stampin' Up! papers and tons of Basic Grey papers - I love how you went through the colors today matching the Stampin' Up! paper to the Basic Grey - I also like to see dimensions - okay I am challenged in a lot of ways! - I like to know the sizes of things so I can simulate ....
    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  61. Congrats! I love you blog and visit almost every day. Your creative abilities amaze me! This would be fitting for me too since the 28th is my 30th birthday!!!! WHOA! ;)

  62. Wow, what great blog candy. I would love to see more of the same. Your stuff is fabulous and I can't wait to see what you do next.
    Thanks and happy blog-day!!

  63. Thank you with providing us with a creative spot to visit! I would love to continue having cards and projects on your blog...and lets not forget all the BLOG CANDY you offer!

    Cynthia D

  64. Happy Blogaversary, and thanks for the chance for blog candy. I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing whats new each time. I am a designer paper nut and especially K& Co. So I use a lot of that with my stamps, ink, a H2O's and such.I would like to see more masculine and children cards. Anything new is okay with me. Thanks for sharing your creative cards with us, Stella

  65. Hi Christine,
    I just like looking at new card samples. Thanks for allowing me to enter for the blog candy.

  66. Hi Christine. Happy Anniversary to your blog and you! And wow, what a blog candy package! Very generous. I guess I'd like to see more SU stuff. Yes, I'm very partial to it and love what you do with it, so that's what I want more of. :-D Blessings!

  67. YOUR INSPIRATION IS PRICELESS!!! But for me what I would like to hear are tid bits about how you begin to design. What are your resources? What is your space like? How much time do you devote to your craft? This of course is much more personal. But I fell that you can admire and aspire more for someone that you feel you know even if it's from reading a blog. Thanks for all you share!!

  68. Happy Blog Anniversary! First, let me say thanks for sharing all your wonderful projects with us - you truly are talented. I really appreciate it when you show us how you achieved the final card and the tips and techniques you used. That really inspires me to use your ideas but make a card that's mine.

  69. What I would like to see here next year is exactly more of the same! I love you blog and that is why I subscribe now! Please don't change! Congrats on such a great milestone and I know you are going to have so many more! Thanks for all the blog candy offers.

  70. Lots and lots of cards pleeze! And with different levels of intimidation!

  71. tons of cards and new techniques!! Love, love, love your creations!!!


  72. I love your blog & would like to see tutorials for the Big Shot. Thank you for the chance to win!

  73. Hi Christine

    Happy Anniversary!! Wow...I must have subscribed close to when you first started your blog! Love it and love your very generous sharing of your fantastic artwork!

    Oh my gosh...I can't believe your blog candy! I'm working up the courage to start my own blog so I must think of blog candy too! Whoever wins this one will be one happy stamper!!

    I love everything you share and in the future what would I love to see? Hmmm...always more of your delicious ideas & a few picture tutorials would be great!

    Thanks so much!
    Hugs ~ Judy

  74. Wow! Great Blog Candy! I love all of your cards. I can get so many good ideas from them. I would like to see how you are using the new items being released by Stampin' Up. I love the new colors and can't wait to get my hands on them.

  75. Happy blog anniversary! I do a monthly workshop and I love your inspirations. Sometimes I have such a hard time coming up with cards and then I look at yours and think wow, if I just change this colour and do that... You have saved me more than once. I tell all my ladies who inspired me and what your address is! Please keep doing your great cards.

  76. Thanks for a wonderful, inspirational blog. You are very talented and I love to check out your new creations. I would love to see many more wonderful cards and projects!

  77. Your blog is one I view each and every day for ideas and inspiration. My only request would be for more cards for children. I tend to always make cards for adult birthdays, get well's, sympathies, etc. and have trouble coming up with ideas for children's cards. Keep up the good work and thanks for the inspiration!

  78. Congrats on your year! How exciting that is! :) As far as what I would like to see, I am always a HUGE fan of your coloring skills so maybe you could give us a quick tutorial on how you do it? Just a thought! :D Either way, I will be happy with whatever you decide to post!

  79. The blog candy is great. you are the one that that should get the candy. Your cards are beautiful.


  80. I just want to see more of your beautiful cards! And, pics of the in process cardmaking. Thanks!

  81. Awesome blog candy! Congrats on the blogaversary! I would love to see more giftables and home decor type stuff. I'm always on the lookout for great ideas to "borrow"

  82. I like how you color images so just keep doing what you have been doing to create a card. I hope you continue to enjoy making cards and sharing them on your blog.

  83. Happy Blogiversary! You have shared many wonderful cards and ideas. I like to see different techniques! Best Wishes and Happy Stamping!


  84. Wow! Now that's a terrific way to celebrate a blogaversary.

    Congratulations on the one year milestone in advance of next week.

    More of the same would be just fine. I always find fun and interesting inspiration that encourages me and my stamping buddies to try our hand at new things. I always smile when my email update has your name in the title.

    Hugs and blogging good wishes - Jean

  85. Well, i am new to your blog. i love what i see. but i am really interested in the die cutter.


  86. Have to post another comment for the random number thingy...maybe I will get I said in my first comment....explain a technique and then show us what you created from the said tech.

  87. I recently discovered your blog and all I can say is WOW! I'm also one who loves the new in-colors and can't wait to see what you do with them. CAS is still more my style (maybe I'm afraid to venture further, I don't know) so that would be good to see, too. Thanks!

  88. I love your blog and visit time and time again for inspiration for my clubs and workshops. I love how your projects are straight forward and uncomplicated, yet beautiful and intriguing. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your talent with us!

  89. Great blog candy! As for what I'd love to see this year - anything really. Your projects are so creative and clearly personal for you. I personally like to see anything that is not a card - 3D projects, altered projects, gift sets, etc.

    Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary!

  90. Just found your blog thanks to the lovely teacher gift sets you posted to SCS. Love them. Our school has been out for three weeks now, but nothing like planning ahead for next year, or making a nice impression on a new teacher at the beginning of the year. thanks!

  91. Congrats on 1 year! :)

    I would LOVE to see all the same things you have been gives me soo much inspiration!

  92. Awesome blog candy! I love just what you are doing now, so I just want to keep seeing more of the same great work! Thanks!

  93. Congratulations! I love the way you use all the combination of colors on your cards. I would to see scrapbook pages and tutorials.
    Happy Anniversary!

    Jessica Leopardas

  94. Hi Christine, I love all of your creations!!!. I would love to see some tutorials on how you make some of these gorgeous masterpieces ;-). I am new to the stamping world and quickly became All that blog candy looks just delish (lol-It took me a whiel to figure out what hat was)

    Keep up the awesome job you are doing!!!

  95. Wow! Happy blog anniversary!! I always love and enjoy your water coloring. I hope you will keep continue to show us that!! Thank you for a chance to win the fabulous blog candy!! You are amazing, Christine!!

  96. Happy Anniversary! Great accomplishment, to be sure!! I just found your blog today...surfed it and was impressed and inspired. You have a lovely talent and eye for details. Thank you for the blog candy, very generous!


  97. I like SUO cards! Thanks for a fun blog!

  98. happy anniversary to you christine.I came to you bolg by way of splitcoast. you are a talented lady...I have just favorited several , well more than several of your creations. For the next year, keep them coming. thanks for the inspiration and also the blog candy!

  99. I found your blog by way of Flourishes today and I love your cards, ideas, etc. I am going to subscribe to see your future items. I love looking at all cards and ideas so just keep up the great work! Your blog candy is awesome!
    Eleanor @

  100. Wonderful projects and a great blog. Love the Teacher gifts... what a great idea for any occasion.

  101. Happy Blog Anniversary!
    Love the Teachers Gifts!
    Love your cards - Love your colors!I wouldn't want you to change anything, but if you do perhaps
    some more tutorials.


  102. Happy Blogaversary. Would love to win this great blog candy. I love the way you color and your color choices. Just keep them coming -- it is great inspiration.

  103. Great candy.

    My favorite thing to see is new ideas for my same old stuff. Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  104. Wow Christine what a generous blog candy. Congrats on the accomplishment. I would love to see some tutorials. I know you have done some but I am a visual stamper and love your style. When you come upon a trick or technique I would love to see it. Thanks for being you.....
    Dawn B.

  105. I would like to see anything but a card once in a while. I'm sure you will cme up with wonderful items all year long.
    Sharon L

  106. I would love to see more tutorials, I have learned so much from wonderful blogs like yours. Thanks for sharing.
    Donna Coffman

  107. Your work is very beautiful. I agree, more tutorials. I am new to stamping and have a great deal to learn.

  108. Hi...I just love your blog! Please do NOT change anything! If I could have something it would for sure be more tutorials...cuz I learn best with these. YOur work is just so pretty! SOmetimes it makes my card making easier to see HOW you did things...I really appreciate YOU! TYVM for the chance , Cher

  109. Wow, great "stuff" you are sharing! I love seeing anything you do, new techniques are always fun, but even the old ones we forget about are great, too, so ANYTHING you want to show is is welcome by me, and Happy Blog Anniversary!

  110. Like Marian B, I'd love to see more masculine cards. She said masculine cards without boats or light houses - to that I'd add without fishing, golfing or wildlife.

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win so many great things!

  111. LindaM1957@aol.comJune 27, 2009 at 8:16 AM

    I appreciate the inspiration that is delivered to my mailbox everyday! WOW hard to believe a year has gone by! I like the idea of having Christmas cards "snuck" in during the year CAUSE I always wait until the LAST minute!!

  112. WOW, you are sooo very generous with your blog candy, what a kind soul you are! I have been pouring over your blog, and I love every single one of your creations, you are definitely inspiring. I used to stamp a lot, but kind of got away from it, but this year I am playing with my stamps again. What I would love to see is tutorials of different techniques, they always inspire me to pull out my stamps.

  113. Happy 1 year blog birthday! I have enjoyed all of your projects and can't wait to see the new projects. I'd like to see dry embossing and scrapbooking. Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful blog candy.

  114. Congrats on 1 year:) You work is beautiful and I can't wait to see what you do next - so anything you do is fine with me - but I love learning new techniques - so that would be great!

  115. ONE YEAR! Lessons we all may study, gaze upon, giggle through our re-reads to absorb that 'one' step missed all the other attempts. Your witty patience makes each visit hopeful and doable not just a drool in time. Zap us with tutorials, new products, colors, redos on the oldest of techniques and refreshers from old craft books. Cards, paper gifts snatch our imaginations. You go girl!

  116. Oh how sweet you are to gather together such an awesome prize! I love looking at your cards and getting ideas and inspiration so just keep doing what you're doing.
    Happy Anniversary!!

  117. Happy Anniversary! I am so lucky to have found a sample of your talent while searching splitcoaststampers's gallery of "Lovely Letters" ~ I'm an instant fan! Susan :)uncyst


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!