
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Baby Ensemble - From the Heart

I don't know if I can describe what it's like for us to have this new little niece so close by. I really wasn't sure my brother and sister-in-law were even going to have to see her finally here, such an evidence of grace - is so wonderful. We just line up to hold her...we're just enjoying every minute of time with her. And you know what's awesome....I can hold her and love her, but don't have to feed her or stay up nights with her! It's the best of both worlds (wink!)

Because this is their first child, I wanted to do something special for them. I had offered to make Birth Announcements, but my sister-in-law wisely said, she'd never get them sent, but "would I make Thank You cards?" You BET. Since they wouldn't tell us what they were happening - despite all my best hinting...I had to start them before Adeline was born. I decided to go off the colors for her baby quilt and room accessories that my Mom was making. My sister-in law found these fabulous fabrics, and my mom expertly put them together (it's gorgeous - my mom is SO talented). Anyway...this was part of the quilt as it was coming together (I still hope to get a photo with it all on the crib).

See the colors of green and grey and cream? And the pretty damask feel. It's really gorgeous. I love that it's such a non-traditional baby style and color. It really has a Kiwi Kiss look in real life.

So I put together 52 of these cards, with matching envelopes....2 varieties one vertical and one horizontal.

There were a lots of steps to these, and 3 different stamp sets. Puns from the Past, the small Thank You set, and Friends 24-7.

I used the damask stamp from Friends 24-7 to create a background on the Kiwi Kiss in Basic Grey and Kiwi.

The main damask is stamped in Kiwi on Very Vanilla and cut out. I added the sentiment overtop on cardstock vellum stamped in Basic Grey...then the little baby buggy as accent in a circle on each. Brads help hold it together. Then on the Top Note piece, I ran the Very Vanilla inside section through the Damask Texturz Plate. It's so very classy.

Here's a closeup of one (I wish the Texture would show up here on the vanilla...)

And this is the other card, you can see a bit more of the texture here. And sheesh look at that ribbon...I did fix the ends before I gave it to them!

Well, that wasn't it, I decided a couple of weeks before she was due that I should knit a baby blanket for them. Now, just so you know....I'm not an expert knitter, more like a novice, but I really wanted to do it. So I found some gorgeous Bamboo yarn, it's amazing, so incredibly soft, with a really nice sheen to it.

Then my niece decided to arrive 2 weeks early! So I knit like crazy for the next 2 weeks, plus trying to get the cards done. Adeline and her parents received it all right around her actual due date. Very basic, just straight knitting in stripes to match her quilt.

I'm also throwing them a baby shower in the end of April....I'l have some more goodies to show you then!

Recipe: Stamps: Friends 24-7, Puns from the Past, Thank You; Ink: Basic Grey, Kiwi Kiss; Paper: Kiwi Kiss, Basic Grey, Very Vanilla, Cardstock Vellum, Kiwi Kiss Patterns DSP ; Accessories: Silver Brads, Oval Punch, Circle Punch, Big Shot, Damask Texturz Plate; Vanilla Taffeta Ribbon, Top Note, Scissors, Piercer.


  1. Wow Christine, those turned out beautifully!!! I love the overlay of soft and pretty!

    Fantastic job on your quilt!! WTG!

  2. Beautiful cards! I love the colors and the details. This is the first time I have visited your blog. I love your work. Is there a way to subscribe so I can get notices when you update your blog?

  3. These are so beautiful, Christine! Wonderful colors and textures!

  4. Beautiful quilt fabric, Christine. I LOVE the baby thank you's! So full of texture!

  5. Gorgeous, they will love them! How pretty with the texturz!

  6. congrats! can't wait to see the baby pics! great thank you's, I'm sure they'll appreciate it!

  7. Beautiful, elegant and darling! Love the touches of vellum and the colors are so rich and fabulous!

  8. I love all the goodies you can get for the Bisg Shot. You did them justice in this group of cards. I love them all! Beautiful girl. By the way I love your blog. Thanks for inspiring me!

  9. Absolutely beautiful Christine, the cards are gorgeous and the baby's quilt and blanket are so pretty. You're so blessed to have a sweet little baby to hold.

  10. These are beautiful, Christine! So elegant and classy and, oh, your blanket looks so soft and sweet! Your talents are seemingly endless!

  11. Your ensemble is fabulous, and your knitted blanket looks so cozy and warm (pretty colors too)! You are so talented, Christine!!

  12. Stunning! I am in love! What a great design!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!