Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some Grateful Blog Candy?

Good day everyone!  Today our eldest, our daughter turns 14 years old.  She's a gem and I'm so glad she's our daughter.

I was looking for a reason to celebrate over here....and I missed my 2 year Blog-A-Versary in June, so how about some Blog Candy for our daughter's birthday?   I wanted a way to give back something to my readers ...I'm so grateful for all of you, your visits, your comments, and your kindness.

I have a few things to give away... sorry for the glare off the plastic etc.  You can click on each picture to see them larger too!

Prize Package One:  

7 Gypsies Victoria 6 x 6 paper pack
Flourishes Apple of My Eye Stamp set
Flourishes Windows to the World Stamp set
Some assorted May Arts Ribbon,  I'll surprise you with some good stuff :)

Prize Package Two:  

Flourishes Apple of My Eye Stamp set
Flourishes Lace Edges Stamp set
Flourishes Swan Lake Stamp set (this pic does not do it justice - it's a gorgeous set if you check the link)
Some Assorted May Arts Ribbon, I'll surprise you with some good stuff :)


 - Two winners will be chosen from the comments
 - Only ONE comment per person please
 - Please put your email address in your comment
 - Tell me about something YOU are grateful for.

Winners will be chosen on MONDAY October 25th at 1 pm MTN time and posted here on the blog.

 - Those names chosen have 48 hours to reply to me in an email with their snail mail address or new winners will be chosen :)


Lionelsa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lionelsa said...

Happy holidays to both of you!
I hope you have a wonderful day!

All my life I'm not in very close relationship with my mother. But I'm grateful that she's alive and healthy. And despite all the disadvantages that she has, I'm gratful that she's my mother.

My e-mai address: n_petrowa@abv.bg

kathy s said...

Congrats on two years and happy birthday to your daughter- you don't look old enough to have a 14 year old -I am grateful that I have found blog land and have made so many same minded people- also I am grateful that I have a beautiful family and a daughter who we nearly lost through meningococcal 11 years ago -she is now turning 30 and has 2 beautiful daughters.thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy.
email address:-kskreations@vic.chariot.net.au

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your daughter! I hope she has a wonderful day and many more to come.

I am grateful for my two daughters (6 &8). They were a long time coming and I had to go around the world to have them, but they are worth everything and I am truly blessed.


Glenda said...

I have so many things to be grateful for....A family that loves me, grandchildren, time for my passion (making cards)! As I get older I find I'm grateful for the miracles all around me...The beauty of the sunrise; a humming bird at the feeder, the love of a pet, the gentle patter of rain on my window, the warm gentle winds of summer and the time to be able to be amazed by them all!

email: smithgfb@bellsouth.net

KarinsArtScrap said...

Hi christine
first this is a great candy, now the second one happy birthsday to your daughter, and third I'am grateful for my husband he is always there for me because I have migraine everyday, so he does everything in house.
And i'am grateful that I have so many friends and a great family.
and now I make a lot off friends
in blogland.

my email address is


greetings karin

Anonymous said...

Hope your Daughter has a great birthday.
I'm grateful for my family especially my children. They have been a joy to my life.


Peachy Wessels said...

Happy 2 year Blog Anniversary and a Happy Birthday to your daughter!

I am grateful for my family and friends who have supported me through a very difficult past few years. I had a major life change, which is changing again. My Mom was in need of my help, so I put my stuff in storage and I moved in with her to take care of her. It is challenging being a caretaker. My love of cardmaking has helped me, but there are only two places to shop for craft items here, so I have happily discovered the world of craft blogs. What a very talented, gifted group of designers out there. I had no idea. So, you all have helped me find inspiration for something I truly love. My family and friends love my cards, and my Mom enjoys watching me create! Thanks again.

My email address is: peachywessels@gmail.com

Mickie said...

What wonderful candy! I am so grateful for time God has given me on this earth with my beautiful sister. Eighteen months ago the dr. gave her one year and we have had her almost two now and she is getting better. socmagmom@yahoo.com

cgargus said...

Happy birthday to your daughter, and happy belated blogaversary to you! I really enjoy the inspiration you give with your wonderful creationg. I really have so much to be grateful for. I have wonderful parents, still living and healthy (just a few miles down the road), and a wonderful daughter who has given me 3 awesome grandkids!! I am also employed at a job I love! I have the freedom in this country to worship God and read my Bible. I am truly blessed!! Thanks for the chance to win!
email: lgargus000@centurytel.net

vivian said...

Happy birthday to your daughter and congratulations to you for your blog's anniversary. I'm so grateful for life, just last week I was in the hospital , to see all the wonderful people who came by and called makes me grateful ...I have no children or husband so it really meant a lot to have someone to care.....Vivian....vcunni7818@aol.com

Jane said...

Hi Christine,

Congratulations on two years of blogging and happy birthday to your daughter.
I am really grateful to have a beautiful daughter too and a family that loves me and encourages my card making even though I make a lot of mess while being creative!! I am only new to making cards and I have found your blog very inspiring which I am also grateful for. I hope you will continue blogging for many years to come.
email: j.g.wright@bigpond.com

Jane said...

Hi Christine,

Congratulations on two years of blogging and a very happy birthday to your daughter. I am very grateful that I have a beautiful daughter and a lovely husband too and that they put up with the mess I make when making cards!! I am new to the card making world and I am very grateful for blogs like yours that I find both inspiring and encouraging. I hope you will keep on blogging for many years to come.

email: j.g.wright@bigpond.com

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your DD!!

I'm grateful for my family. We've had some tough times of late but the support from my family has awesome. I love them!

Thanks for the chance to win some great stamps!

Beth Greco

Heide said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter!
congrats on two years, you have a wonderful blog!
I am grateful for my family, two great kids and a fantastic supportive husband.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter!
As I read some of the comments, it is so important to be grateful. It's nice to stop and evaluate where we are in life. I am so grateful for my family and friends. For they are the ones who bring support and joy to our lives thru the many bumps in the road and good times we share.
Thanks for the chance to win
many blessings

Anonymous said...

Like you, I am grateful for my daughter and my 2 granddaughters. They are precious. I am also grateful for talented people like you who share their creations with all of us.


Broni said...

You're such a sweetheart! Congrats (belated) on your blogiversary. It seems like we've been doing this a lot longer than 2 years! Happy B-day to your Emily! Hope your FIL is doing ok.

Lillian Child said...

I am grateful every single day for being born in America, for loving parents, for a devoted husband, for the most caring and sensitive children, and for my sweet, sweet grandson. My daughter's birthday was yesterday (see my blog post at http://lillianchild.blogspot.com) and every year is more precious that the last. Give your daughter a birhtday hug for me!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Emily. I am grateful to you and the friendship we have with your family. I remember when Emily was two and told me something was "sooo Hilarious". We laughed so hard that such a big word was coming out of such a tiny body. :-)
Leanna (bonin@shaw.ca)

ocean-dreamer said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter...and Happy Belated 2 Year Blogaversary!

Betty said...

Happy Birthday to your DD and thanks for the chance at Blog Candy.

Janet said...

Happy Birthday to a sweet girl! I'm grateful for having a wonderful life!

Lori Pilla said...

I too am grateful for my daughter who is 15 1/2. She tries my patience regularly but she is an awesome human being and I look forward to the days when shes out of those teen years. I am grateful she she is such a good kid.

Elise said...

Happy birthday to your daughter!

I am grateful that my son survived his skiing accident this past week-end with only a broken collarbone - It could have been much worse!

email: aehpgerard@msn.com

Emily Keaton said...

Happy Birthday to your dear daughter!! In addition to a wonderful family and a warm, safe place to live, I am so very grateful to have a very flexible job that allows me to work from home, to choose my own hours and projects, and to be here for my family.

You are so very generous to offer these lovely prize packages! My email address is ejkeaton{at}comcast{dot}net

Shirley said...

Congrats on your 2 year blog anniversary! Best wishes for a Happy Birthday to your daughter.
I am grateful just to be alive! There are so many things to be grateful for...family, the four seasons where I live, all of the animals I see every day, and my husband, who has been so good to me since I broke my left wrist last month!


Tanya said...

EEK! What fabulous candy, thank you so much for the chance!! Happy birthday to your daughter and happy blogoversary!

I am grateful for my family, my beautiful children, our dogs, and I will always be grateful for when right before Christmas, my husband went to the doctor and they told him that his heart had somehow healed. He had congestive heart failure and an enlarged heart because of a virus. The doctor could not believe it, she has never seen someone's heart heal like that. sorry for rambling! Thanks again for the amazing chance!

Anonymous said...

So exicted about this Candy! I'm grateful that Me and My Family have our health.
Thanks for the Chance,
Sasha Jardine


Marisa said...

Wow...14 already....they grow up sooo quickly! Happy Birthday to her :)

Thanks for the chance to win some goodies too! I'm thankful for so many things :) The gorgeous weather we've been having so I can enjoy God's creation in all its Fall splendor, my family, my health, the fact that God continues His work in my life and for all the wonderful people I've met through my blog.

Lena95469 said...

This year Im really grateful for my parents. They help me so much (and my fiance) and they help out people in the community and never ask for anything in return. I am truly blessed to be their child . My email is fromlena2u@yahoo.com

P.S happy happy birthday to your daughter :)

creativearts said...

I would love to win those Flourish stamps! LOL! I am grateful for my family, husband, children, grandchildren. I live fairly close to two of the chidren and see my grandsons quite a bit and enjoy my time with them so much. I am grateful to enjoy my hobbies of rubber stamping and paper crafting. I am grateful that I am able to enjoy life!

DebbieG said...

Happy 2 Year Anniversary & Happy Birthday to your Daughter. I have alot to be grateful for, my 4 Daughters, my Grandchildren and my Best Friend. Her and I are more Sisters than just Friends.And I am grateful for the chance to win such great blog candy.

akagreenhouse said...

I am grateful for my husband. We just celebrated our 32nd anniversary last week. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Teepee said...

Belated wishes for the blog-a-versary and Happy, Happy to your daughter. I am so grateful that I recently lost my job and now am staying home, doing Bible Study and making cards. God is so good and faithful and I praise Him.

petra,s cards said...

congratulations on your daughter's birthday! also congratulations on your 2 year old blogg, I've just started my blogg and hope the milestone of two years with as many friends as your blogg to get well! how nice that you are giving away Sun great price! I am grateful for every day in good health of myself and family that is the important thing in life that is !!!!! I am glad that Sun can exert great hobby for a long time hope your wonderful creations may enjoy!
love petraxxx

Rachel Hope said...

I am grateful for all my wonderful friends, don't know where I would be without them!

Thanks for the chance!


Karen McAlpine said...

Happy 14th to your daughter! The flourish stamps looks fab. I'm thankful that I am able to spend some of my free time creating and working on my DT's and blogs. I enjoy expressing myself through these mediums. Thanks for the chance to win some Flourish stamps... I have been wanting some for quite awhile!! mcalpinekaren at hot mail . com

maz said...

I am grateful for my sister being in remission from cancer, also for my husband who does all the housework etc. so I can make greeting cards.email addy;- mallens.425@btopenworld.com

Ida said...

Sending a Happy Birthday wish to your daughter.

I am grateful for so much. For health, home, family, friends, pets, and most of all that I am a child of God.

Sandy Krastins said...

I am so very thankful for my family, my friends and my job. I cannot believe I stumbled upon you website---what a wonderful inspiration to all cardmakers. You just take the art to a whole new level. Please keep up the good work.

Happy birthday to your Granddaughter. 14 is such a wonderful age. My grandchildren are the treasures of my life too! my email (for the fabulous stamp set is skrastins@earthlink.net I have my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

I am so very grateful for my wonderful loving family. A wonderful husband, daughter and son in addition to my parents ages 92 and 96 who are in great health and reside with us. God is good :)

A very happy birthday to your daughter. Enjoy every minute!


Rebecca Johnson said...

I am most grateful for my BFF of 45years. She recently put her life on hold during my husband's illness and passing. And also for my family members who have given me strength.
Love your blog.
Peace, Becky Johnson

Marilyn M. said...

Happy birthday to your daughter! I have so many things I'm grateful for, but especially for my granddaughter. She's the light of my life. I'm also thankful that I get to share a little bit of other crafters' lives through their blogs. There are so many creative people out there!

My e-mail address is uforialost@yahoo.com

Thanks for thinking about all of us out here in "outer" space!

Lyngo said...

Hi Christine - Happy Birthday to your daughter - it is nice that she share's your generosity on her special day to give us the opportunity to win such lovely stamp sets.
I am grateful for my health and that of my family.

MRose said...

I am grateful to have my family together again. We were once fractured by illness and temptations, but now thank God we are all on the path..

Conniecrafter said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter, Ahhh the teen years!!
I am grateful for my husband God has blessed me with a wonderful man, in these days were you here of so many divorces to have a great marriage seems very rare, we will be celebrating 27 years this month. conniecrafter@charter.net

Patty Sue 2 said...

Happy Birthday! I am grateful to have celebrated by 39th Wedding Anniversary. My husband had a kidney transplant , his wonderful older brother was the donor (I am also grateful for him). My husband is here today because of this wonderful gift. We have been so blessed.
My e-mail: stevespatty@hotmail.com

Joan V said...

Christine, congrats on your 2 yrs blog. I only found you a few months ago and love your work. Happy birthday to your daughter. I am grateful that God gave me two children to love and nurture. Being a mother is one of the most wonderful blessings that we are given. A few days ago, my daughter told me she was getting married. It seemed like just yesterday she was my little girl. So, my wish for you on your daughters birthday is to love every day that she is happy, sad, crabby or just being a teenager. It goes by too quickly. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Joan V said...

Sorry, forgot to leave my email. joanvanc@gmail.com from above message

Heather Rogers said...

Congratulations on your 2 year blog anniversary.
I am grateful that I still have my mother. She isn't well and I am glad I can spend time with her before she is gone. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Cathy said...

Congrats to your daughter, I wish her a very happy birthday...
I am grateful for my family and friends. They mean so much to me.
Email: CDoty1@aol.com

annesatx said...

Wow, thanks! Congratulations to you -- and happy birthday to your daughter!

Diana said...

Congratulations! I am grateful for my family...2 daughters, husband, Mom, Dad, brother, sister and an awesome extended family.

Happy Birthday to your daughter!

email: dlweldon@gmail.com

Diane S. said...

Happy 14th birthday to your Daughter!! and Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary!
As for what I am grateful for understanding friends, family and school principals. I am also grateful for creative individuals like yourself that share what they love to do the most.... creative card making!


dinkuminkum said...

Congratulations Christine on two years blogging - I love visiting your blog and seeing your wonderful ideas.
And a very happy 14th birthday o your beautiful daughter.
I too have a husband, son and daughter and I'm so greatful for them. We nearly lost our son in a automobile accident 4 1/2 years ago - and something like that helps you to realise just how precious your family is.

Anne P, NZ. dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz.

Sandy S. said...

Happy birthday to your daughter!
I am grateful for my children. We weren't sure we would be able to have any and now we have three! They are such a blessing!
email sandyshippee@ct.metrocast.net

Diane said...

I am so grateful for the returning use of my right hand and arm following a bad break and nerve damage 7 months ago. I have missed my papercrafting, but am now using it as rehab to relearn manual dexterity. It is a great motivation to get the fingers moving again.

E-mail: yodarascal@yahoo.com

mitch1066 said...

wow 14,thats a great age!!Happy Birthday !.
I love the internet i get to be inspired and to learn from fellow crafters,its wonderfull!
Thanks for the fat free candy opportunity:)

Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter. Hope she is as creative as her mother. Thanks for a chance to win the blog candy.

Linda Carson said...

Happy 14th Birthday to your daughter! Happy 2 years of blogging success! I could use more Flourishes stamps! Outside of family & friends I'm thankful for freedom.

leenda1 at cox dot net

Sherry said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter! I am grateful for my family, and also for an understanding husband who doesn't mind when I go to a friends house to make cards!
my email is: lomaster2010@hotmail.com

Erin said...

Happy birthday to your daughter and congrats on two years of blogging... I just started b logging this summer. I am grateful for my husband who is supportive of everything that I do.

Anonymous said...

There are so many things I am grateful for but the main things are, That I live in this wonderful Land of the. Free, I am able to worship freely, my beautiful family that I love unconditionally and that I have found a craft that makes me and others happy!


Brenda W. said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter!

I'm grateful to my husband for being willing to support my card making habit and encouraging my efforts.

Brenda White

Mary said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. I'd love to be 14 again! LOL...

I'm grateful for my whole life...my wonderful hubby, my great kids and the jobs we have that allow us the luxuries we have become used to. I'm also grateful for our freedoms.

My email is upslady@sbcglobal.net

Denise Willerton said...

happy birthday to you daughter today! time does fly, I am very grateful for my husband, three wonderful children and their spouses. We all have wonderful relationships together. I am also thankful for our two grandsons and another one on the way anytime now! Thanks for this opportunity


Jody Hardaker said...

Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog. I have been following your blog for many months now. You are truly an inspiration. I love the cards and projects you make! I am grateful for everything in my life. I have a wonderful husband, and daughter, as well as our extended family. We have great jobs and get to spend quality time together. My daughter, although only 9, shares my passion for scrapbooking and crafting.

I am excited to be able to have the chance to participate in the drawing for the blog candy! Thank you, Jody

Jody said...

I forgot to add my email address to my comment above. :( Sorry! it is jhardaker@msn.com. Thank you again for all your inspiration!

Robyn - injoystampin said...

I am grateful for so many things each day, but I am most grateful for the Lord and what He's done in my life, and then I'm grateful for the wonderful family that He's blessed me with and so many other things that I could go on and on.

Happy Birthday to your daughter! They grow up so fast don't they!?!

Thank you for a chance to win your yummy, generous candy. Happy belated blogevsary.

Happy creating!,
injoy_stampin (at) me dot com

Tina said...

You make such beautiful cards! Love them!

I am grateful for my family, I truly don't know where I would be without them. I'm grateful for our community, the wonderful schools that we have and we are so blessed in so many ways.


mitch1066 said...

Im grateful for my hubby of 22 years ,even more so now i have fibromyalgia and have to rely on him even more.Im grateful for the internet that lets me learn and get inspired by other crafters around the world.
Im also grateful for some new friends i made this week from my neighbours ,2 lovely ladies to chat to about family cooking and crafting:)

Shawna Magrum Pederson said...

Happy birthday!
I am so greatful for a loving family. My parents live down the street, my brother, with whom I work, lives a few miles away and my husband's side of the family and mine spend all our holidays together and love each other.
Lots to be greatful for!
Thank you for your site and the opportunity for some blog candy!
craftsp at comcast dot net

Dee in N.H. said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet girl.
Thanks so much for a chance to win.
I am most grateful that my 3 granddaughters are both healthy and happy. tdkonc at gmail dot com

PatsyB said...

I can remember my daughter's 14th birthday. Seems way too long ago to be real! She just celebrated her 41st! How did this happen?
I am grateful for so many things, my children are healthy and happy, my husband just got a job after 2 years and the Lord has blessed us with so many good things in our life! I am also grateful for people like you that are willing to share your talent so I can look good at card making when I am really just very good at caseing!
Thank you and hope this birthday is all that your daughter wished for.

Olivia said...

I'm thankful for my wonderful family...each day with them is a blessing!

Congrats on the blog anniversary and happy birthday to your daughter.
My email address is bauld353@msn.com

DJreflections said...

I am so grateful for my many blessings from the Lord...for my salvation, good health, a Christian husband, a wonderful Bible believing church, good friends and 3 wonderful children.